What’s Your B.L.U.E?

Post is brought to you by Lutemax 2020.  All opinions are mine and mine alone.


Did you know that all the phones and screen time now a day can hurt your eyes? I didn’t realize the effect until recently.  High-energy blue light and how it can negatively impact healthy vision for anyone using digital devices – from children to adults. Take the “What’s Your B.L.U.E.?” quiz  to find out your level of blue light exposure. I took it and realize how much I was doing right and wrong!

There is a solution to help!  Lutemax 2020 has three carteonoids in the ingredient help with vision health and filter high energy blue light. When on the hunt, you should look for products with Lutemax 2020 ingredient. It helps support our eyes by filtering high energy blue light and reducing glare. I know from working on my lap top all day this effects me. I get headaches and my eye start to feel weird. Almost like I am straining to keep looking.


We get help with our diets but not a lot and this is where Lutemax 20/20 comes in to help us reach out bets goal. You can even do eye exercises to help. Look up and hold it for a few seconds. Can also look to the corners of your eyes and hold for a few seconds too.


You just have to take one softgel pill a day. It is one supplement I am starting to take to help improve my overall eye sight.

This is something we don’t often thing about because it’s just out everyday life. Adjusting small things in our normal routine can make a big impact. Add more veggies to your diet, do some walking, little things that count toward the big things!


Lutein belongs to a family of nutrients called carotenoids. Carotenoids are pigments that color our foods with yellows, reds and oranges. These pigments are often called phyto- (plant) nutrients and are found in plants and plant foods like fruits and vegetables.

A nutrient that is often found with lutein is zeaxanthin. Often thought of as lutein’s little sister since it is chemically similar, zeaxanthin is so much more, having a unique function all its own. It is most often found in the same foods as lutein and works with lutein in the body.

Lutein and zeaxanthin’s primary roles in the body are as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. Lutein is also thought to play a structural role in the eye.”

I didn’t even know what Lutein was until I read and saw all this info! Whats scary about blue light? Read below for more info.


” High-energy blue light is part of the visible spectrum of light. Most of us know to protect our eyes against the sun, but high-energy blue light from digital screens and energy-efficient lighting bombards our eyes daily and may lead to eye strain and fatigue and eventually vision loss. Fortunately, lutein and the zeaxanthin isomers (RR-zeaxanthin and RS [meso]-zeaxanthin) support eye health by acting as powerful antioxidants and filtering high-energy blue light.1,2 They are the only three carotenoids that are preferentially deposited in the macula where most oxidative stress from high-energy blue light occurs.”

READ more on this and about other factors HERE.


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