DIY Teeth Whitening Tips

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

DIY Teeth Whitening Tips: How To Brighten Your Smile Safely and Sanely


With one in five people feeling scared or anxious about going to the dentist, many are choosing methods of teeth-maintenance they can do themselves, all from the comfort of their own home.

One particular method that’s significantly increased in popularity across recent years is teeth whitening. With many celebrities in this day and age displaying flawless, sparklingly-white smiles, many people take inspiration and want to achieve the same results themselves. However, lots of us still have reservations about teeth whitening, especially if we want to avoid the dentist and do it ourselves.

So if you’re considering a home-based dental whitening treatment but are feeling hesitant, below are some top tips to eliminate your worries and help achieve the bright smile you’ve always wanted!

Do your research and shop wisely

As the popularity of teeth whitening has increased, so have the amount of teeth whitening products available on the market. For someone completely new to the process, coming face-to-face with such a vast choice can be overwhelming, which could leave you confused and unsure what to do next.

Legitimate home-based whitening kits will contain peroxides; these act as the whitening agent. Dependent on how quickly you want results, there are varying strengths of peroxides present in whitening products for you to choose from. The safest way to ensure you choose the right strength for you is to start off with a low-medium level strength first and, if your mouth doesn’t feel any irritation, you can try a higher strength if desired.

For extra reassurance, take a look here to discover a variety of safe and effective teeth whitening kits, as well as more in-depth information about strength and application.


Take a preliminary visit to the dentist

Probably not what those fearful of the dentist want to hear, but to ensure you’re as prepared as possible, having a dentist take a look at your teeth will establish how successful your teeth whitening is likely to be.

There’s no point spending money on a teeth whitening kit if your teeth aren’t compatible, and only a visit to a professional dentist will be able to confirm that. And remember, if you are scared of the dentist, you don’t have to have any treatment! This visit will simply be an oral check-up to advise you on the best whitening steps specific to your teeth.

Follow instructions

This may sound obvious, but many people don’t take teeth whitening instructions as seriously as they should. Only leave the product on your teeth for the exact specified time – don’t go overboard as you may experience pain and harmful consequences.

If you were apprehensive of trying out a teeth whitening kit at home, you now know the steps to take to ensure you’re as safe and successful as possible! Simple, easy and 100% effective when done correctly, you’re sure to achieve the smile of your dreams in a matter of days whilst successfully eliminating any worries or fears you previously had.

Georgina Hammond always strives to look her best and feel her best. She writes about health, beauty, fitness and enjoying every moment of life.


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