Treating Acne Breakouts Based on Your Skin Type

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Dry, Oily or a Confusing Combo: Treating Acne Breakouts Better Based on Your Skin Type

If you’re a blushing bride-to-be, you certainly have better things to worry about than whether or not you’ll experience an acne breakout on your big day. Every bride wants to feel beautiful. This is much easier to accomplish with nice, clear skin. Incorporate a few savvy measures to prevent pimples into your pre-wedding routine, and you might not ever have an acne breakout again.

Hey, baby. What’s your skin type?

It would be weird if a guy walked up and flirted with that awful line, but your skin type is actually something that you ought to know. Having a basic understanding of your skin type can help you customize a skin care regimen that addresses acne and other potential wedding day wreckers quickly and effectively.

Dry, normal, oily or combination skin

Human facial skin generally falls into one of three categories, and it can change over time. Typical skin types include normal skin, dry skin, skin that’s on the oily side of the spectrum and combination skin. Your skin type depends on how much moisture your skin holds. Elasticity and sensitivity are factors to consider, as well.

Normal skin evinces few if any imperfections and is typically soft and supple. Normal skin is radiant, flexible and not prone to acne breakouts. Of all skin types, normal has the fewest visible pores and is the most vibrant and radiant type, says WebMD. Dry skin is almost the opposite. Dry facial skin may feel rough and the complexion may be uneven or even show red patches. Oily skin may be the most prone to wedding day acne breakouts, but this tendency can be controlled or even eliminated.

Dealing with acne your own way

Acne prevention may be as simple as washing your face with a gentle sudsing soap, rinsing thoroughly, wiping residue away with a toning product, and applying an oil-free moisturizer. Of course, pre-wedding jitters can cause stress that leads to a breakout, so it’s important to have an acne-healing plan in place well in advance of your nuptials.

When facing acne, it’s imperative to remember that products that work when you’re a teenager may well differ from products that are effective when you’re older. When selecting an acne treatment, look for a product that is safe for all skin types. Seek an acne treatment that has good reviews and comes with a guarantee of customer satisfaction. This final advice is important to remember because some acne treatments can cost a pretty penny.

Acne typically affects the face, back, chest, neck and shoulders, according to Mayo Clinic. Nearly 90 percent of teenagers experience acne breakouts. If frequent cleansing and an over-the-counter acne treatments are not effective, medical intervention by a skilled dermatologist may be warranted.

If you’re getting married soon, we congratulate you. Few life events are as wonderful as a wedding. Begin your new life with your dearly beloved with pretty unblemished skin and smile radiantly for the camera.


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