Pet Shedding Tips

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

If you have pets, it can sometimes feel like managing pet hair in your home is a full-time job.

When you have cats, you may find it extra tricky to keep the pet hair situation under control, since cats have access to pretty much anywhere in your house, including chair backs and countertops. Dogs tend to shed all year and can leave a layer of hair all over your rugs, hardwood floors, sofas, and beds.

Different types of upholstery can attract and hold on to pet hair like a magnet, making it tough to remove.

Here are five ways to wage war on pet hair in your home.

Brush Pets Regularly

Brushing your pets on a regular basis is one of the best things you can do to reduce the amount of pet hair in your home. At a minimum, do it on a weekly basis and use a special deshedding tool. There are many kinds of deshedding tools available and they will pull a lot more hair off of your pet than a regular brush.


Vacuuming is the next step for managing pet hair. There are vacuums designed specifically to help with pet hair, which means they have brushes designed to pick up pet hair better than a regular vacuum will. They often have attachments that are ideal for using on your upholstery.

Another option that will do wonders for your pet hair situation is to get a robot vacuum. You can program them to run at a set time every day, so the robot can help take care of your floors for you and you don’t even have to be home.

Use Rubber Gloves on Furniture

Sometimes the pet hair stuck to your upholstery just doesn’t want to budge. When the vacuum can’t get it, try the rubber glove trick. Just use a regular rubber glove and rub your hand across the pet hair. The friction will make the pet hair come off and soon you’ll find that you’ve picked up a ball of fur in no time.

Create Pet-Free Areas

Pet-free areas in your home are a good way to get a break from pet hair. It can feel like a never-ending job, and if it stresses you out when you see pet hair in your home it may be something to consider. A home office or a bedroom are good rooms to designate as pet-free.

Upgrade HVAC Filters Dander is a big part of the problem with pet hair in your home. Your HVAC system can help. Special high-efficiency HVAC filters can remove smaller particles from the air, trapping more pet dander and giving you a cleaner environment. You can also get an air cleaner to work with your HVAC system to filter the air in your home. These steps can also help your HVAC system stay cleaner.

There is no perfect solution for dealing with pet hair in your home, but these steps can help you wage the war – and win – against pet hair.


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