Give Your Skin the Best Care 

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Aging Gracefully in a New Era of Skin Management: How You Can Take Steps to Give Your Skin the Best Care 



Skin care has evolved a lot since Grandma’s cold cream. These days, we’re using technology, keeping an eye on international trends, and employing lifestyle techniques to keep our skin looking as ageless as possible. In a time where it’s getting tougher and tougher to accurately guess one’s age, what steps are you taking to preserve clarity, elasticity, and that inner glow? 


Water, Sunscreen, Sleep 


There’s a good reason why everyone recommends SPF, water, and adequate rest: it really works to keep you looking youthful. With sunscreen, too many people drop it as soon as summer’s over. This is perhaps the biggest skincare mistake you can make, as the UVA rays that age skin don’t back off during fall and winter months.  


Apply a nickel-sized amount of SPF 35 or higher every day, and don’t forget the eye area – this is a place most of us miss.  


Internal hydration does work to plump the skin, as fluid reserves in your cells (even upper layers of skin) are depleted when your intake is low. Aside from that, water helps us flush toxins (yes, toxins are real) constantly from our organs. A toxic overload, such as from drinking alcohol, can prevent the liver from clearing things away in short order.  


The consequences show up on our faces in the forms of breakouts, sallow tones, and rough patches, so drink at least two liters of fluid a day.  


And sleep? You know how feeling tired looks. If you have trouble drifting off, at least get some deep relaxation in the form of meditation or yoga nidra – they can help you feel and look more refreshed if extra sleep just isn’t happening.  


Your Routine and Professional Intervention 


On the daily, it’s ideal to apply actives such as retinol, and introduce some exfoliating acids, such as a lactic acid or BHA formula. Vitamin C can be used to brighten as well; just be sure you’re not overusing actives or mixing incompatible formulas. Space things out so that your skincare ingredients aren’t stepping all over one another. 


Always seal in your actives and serums with a good moisturizer, preferably with an ingredient like hyaluronic acid.  


And then, of course, there are the issues you can’t fix yourself. It’s probably best that you consult with a skin care professional before dropping a ton of money on creams and potions that can’t correct certain problems. These include a noticeable loss of volume, certain types of acne scars, and deep wrinkles. 


Cutting edge solutions commonly offered by professionals such as those at Derby Skin Clinic will vary based on your unique needs. You may get advice concerning your daily routine and product lineup, or be approved for treatments that can energize or resurface the facial skin.  


In the end, skin care is all about daily maintenance. By taking steps each day to preserve the health and vitality of your skin, you’ll be setting yourself up for the best outcomes when you do feel it’s finally time to see a professional.   


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