Why Biz Works?

*Disclosure-I have received compensation for this post. These thoughts are solely my own.

When you are a mom you are always looking for products that work. When it comes to the kids clothes- stains happen! I am here to tell you why Biz works.  Biz has more stain fighters than any other brand. There is not one single ingredient that cleans everything well. Biz has added the most ingredients to get out all the stains your family may encounter.

Enzymes, Peroxides, whitening agents, and detergents all work together to get out even the toughest stains. When my kids play sports environmental stains like mud and grass are tough to get out but with Biz I know the clothes are saved. There have been times I was drinking a glass of wine, and we all know thats a tough stain to get out, Biz has peroxides in it to get out that stain.

Tests prove that Biz beats Oxiclean. When Biz compared both products, Biz won single handily against its competitor. It attacked more stains and got rid of more stains. These tests were run across the board with Biz liquid, powder, liquid boosters, and on the go. They have a product for whichever you prefer. If you are looking to get rid of small stains, pre treat the stain by wetting he area, applying Biz liquid and letting it sit for 5- 10 minutes then washing it like usual.

If you have an all over stain, Biz recommends using the Powder. Pre- soaking the garment allows the most enzyme activity to penetrate deep into the stain. Add 1/2 cup of powder for minor stains and 1 cup of powder for tough stains to a gallon of warm water- the hottest your garment will allow. Dissolve the product completely and soak garment for 1-4 hours. You can then rinse and repeat as needed.

You can buy Biz products at a number of locations. To find a Biz location you can locate it here.


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