7 Reasons You Should Be Drinking More Water


All opinions are mine and mine alone.


It is no secret that water consumption up to 8 glasses a day keeps you refreshed, healthy and on the go. Apart from working wonders on your skin, water helps with your overall body functions too while dehydration can lead to serious health issues that are easily preventable by consuming plenty of water in the first place.

Keeping a measurable filter jug or bottle with you can help you keep track of how much water you’ve been drinking, which is otherwise not possible for many. Another way is to download any health app that monitors how many liters of water you have been consuming.

Here are 7 reasons why you should be drinking more water.

1. Flushes out Toxins from Your Body

While majority of health conscious adults around the world are looking for detox plans to follow, they are blind to the fact that water is a natural detoxing agent that helps flush out toxins from the body. How does this work? The more water you drink, the more your body will urinate, thus assisting your kidney in removing potentially harmful toxins from the body.

2. Helps with Weight Loss

Why go for strenuous weight loss and exercise plans when you get rid of the excess weight by simply drinking water? Water boosts metabolism and helps you in suppressing your appetite, provided you drink water before the meal and not during it. A fuller feeling prevents your from eating too much, ultimately preventing excessive weight gain.

Apart from that, more water intake indicates higher energy levels, allowing you to exercise for longer, which in turn helps in burning calories.

3. Gives Radiant Skin

A healthy body leads to a fresher looking skin. Regardless of the moisturizers, rejuvenating and damage repair creams you may apply to your face, truth is, your skin shows what has been going inside your body. By purifying your body from toxins and harmful bacteria, water gives you naturally glowing and flawless looking skin. Water consumption also assists in blood circulation which prevents puffy eyes, ultimately giving a fresher appearance.

4. Aids in Digestion

If taken at prescribed times, water intake aids in digestion. By letting your bowel absorb soluble fiber, it relieves constipation and acts as digestive aid.  However, drinking more than required water during meal times can have the opposite impact, interfering with digestion by increasing insulin levels and more fat storage in the body.

5. Prevents Premature Ageing

If you weren’t sold on the previous benefits of water, this one is bound to increase your water intake on a daily basis. Insufficient water intake shows on your skin in a variety of ways i.e. dry and flaky skin, wrinkles, dirty pores, white and blackheads etc. Water acts as a great lubricant not only cushioning your skin cells but those in the joints as well.

What you feed your body has a key role to play in defining your health status few years down the lane. Making water an essential part of your diet can go a long way in preventing curable diseases and premature aging.

6. Keeps Kidney Stones at Bay

Enough about the glowing skin and shiny hair! Water has way more crucial purposes to serve than beauty alone. When your water intake is low, the salts and minerals in the kidneys, which are meant to be flushed out, join together to form kidney stones. This can be easily prevented by drinking enough water, which helps in urinating more, ultimately keeping kidney stones at bay.

7. Prevents Acne Breakouts

One of the many reasons why you can get acne breakouts so often is your body’s inability to flush out toxins from it. Without enough water, there will be no solvent to dissolve the waste products produced as a result of millions of reactions taking place in our body, which will then be expelled through your skin in the form of acne.

Simply drinking ample glasses of water (8-9) excrete the waste products from your bowels and kidney, without having to revert to skin as an excretion point, which ultimately prevents acne and pimples.


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