The top 3 things you didn’t know about LED Lights

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The top 3 things you didn’t know about LED Lights

LED lights are more energy-efficient compared to the other normal bulbs. They also last longer compared to compact fluorescent lights. Most homesteads prefer LED lights mainly because of these two reasons. Even though they cost more, they are in high demand. Through Diode Dynamics reviews on LED lights technology, you may learn more about these lights and their applications. There are still many things that many people do not know about LED lights.

Here are the top 3 things you didn’t know about LED Lights:

  1.    Instant full light

LED stands for light emitting diodes. When you switch on the LED bulbs, you instantly get the full light. This is unlike other common bulbs. This is advantageous especially in places where the light is being cycled on and off frequently. In fact, the main reason why normal bulbs do not last for a long period of time is due to frequent cycling process.  Research shows that frequent on and off cycling of lights degrades the bulbs. As such, they last for a relatively shorter period of time compared to LED lights. It is also worth a mention that you may get the LED lights in various shapes. As such, you can use the LED lights to light up any space in your house or office.

  1.    LED lights are cooler

This is one of the main advantages of LED lights. It is more applicable during summer. In order to keep your power bills low, it is advisable to use LED lights. This will not only reduce power used in lighting but also in air conditioning. You will need to use minimal or no air conditioning during summer if you have LED lights at home. The temperature in your house does not rise whether you switch on the lights or not. This is because they do not emit any heat, hence reduces energy consumption.

  1.    LED lights do not attract insects

Insects are easily attracted to the house by ultraviolet lights. Since LED lights do not emit any ultraviolet rays, insects will not come to your house. This is especially so for mosquitoes. Using the LED lights is, therefore, one of the cost-effective ways to keep moths, mosquitoes, and other insects away from your house. You, therefore, do not need to worry in case you forget to close the windows or doors on time. As long as the lights are on, no insect will get into your house. But there are claims that some LED lights emit UV rays. It is, therefore, a good idea to get LED lights form the best dealers. This way, you are sure of getting the best quality. They will last for a longer period of time too.


LED lights can be used in residential areas, in traffic lights and vehicle brake lights among other uses. They do not have mercury. That is why they are more advantageous as compared to compact fluorescent lights. Remember LED lights can be used both indoors and outdoors. Many more advances in LED light technology are expected in future. The catch though is to ensure that you get the best-LED lights from the best dealers. With a little research, you can easily identify the dealers.


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