Answers to Help You On Your Next Interview

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Here are 5 Teacher Interview Questions and Answers to Help You On Your Next Interview 

Are you preparing to move up in the teaching world? Are you fresh out of school and looking to land a great first teaching job now that you have your certification? Either way, going to an interview can be nerve-wracking.   

The best way to defeat those nerves is to prepare ahead of time. Before your next teaching interview, take some time to study the following common teacher interview questions and answers so you can show up with confidence. 

Why do you want to work at this school?

Remember, you aren’t just applying for any teaching job. You are applying for a teaching job at a particular school. This question is a test to see how much you know about the school and the district. Do your research and make sure you aren’t caught off-guard by this question.  

As an applicant, you must be prepared to answer questions that have to do with the school’s: 


  • Educational record 
  • Academics 
  • Athletics 
  • Educational quality 
  • Number of AP or IB classes 
  • Extra-curricular opportunities  


This will show the recruiter that you are passionate about this job and this school in particular.

Why did you become a teacher?

This is your opportunity to talk about your teaching philosophy. Talk about someone in your past who inspired you or motivated you to get into teaching. Did you have a teacher who changed your perspective on life when you were in school? Maybe that person led you to want to change the world too.  

Whatever your reason is for getting into teaching, don’t be afraid to tell the interviewer about it. They will love seeing your passion and purpose. 

What are the best personality traits that teachers should have? 

Remember that most of the questions your recruiter will ask you are psychological. They want to know if you are able to self-assess and adequately determine what qualities make a good or a bad teacher. Use this question as an opportunity for you to judge yourself, while also showing that you are aware of what it takes to be a good teacher. You gotta have the personality to teach people, because you’ll end up teaching different types of people. Some will learn fast, others take some time to learn. Some will already know what you’re teaching because they’re a geek. But in general you should be able to understand everyone and be patient with them on their journey to where you want them to reach, just they mention on   

Some of the best personality traits that teachers should have include: 


  • Patience 
  • Empathy 
  • Compassion 
  • Flexibility 
  • Intelligence 
  • Self-discipline 


If you feel that most or all of these traits apply to you, then you’re already off to a great start. 

What strategies do you implement when you need to discipline a student? How do you use it as a learning opportunity? 

No matter what grade level you’re going to be teaching, you must expect to have to deal out some disciplinary measures every once in a while. It is critical to let your recruiter know how exactly you plan on handling these kinds of situations. Discipline done right can be an effective teaching tool that allows everyone as a class to learn and grow. Make sure you know what limits or boundaries to abide by, while taking your own creative spin on discipline. Remember, positive attitudes can make a world of difference.

What’s your take on technology in the classroom?

Time only moves forward, not backward. It’s important to be open to integrating technology in your classroom to some degree. You do not need to tell the interviewer that you will allow your kids to text in class, but you should definitely be willing to make technology available as part of the learning experience for your students.  

Technology can help students improve their literacy by learning the different standard formats needed to write their papers. They can use the Internet to do research for a project that can help students be more globally aware. Plus, once they are out in the real world, technology will be all around them. As a teacher, you need to be able to adapt in the most progressive way possible. 


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