I received a week long test drive In This Car From STI and Kia.
I recently had the chance to review the 2013 Kia Optima Hybrid. I must say it has become a favorite car of mine. Being a hybrid it already had bonus points. The LX can achieve 34 mpg in a city and 40 mpg highway. I took for an hour drive to visit my family. I hardly used any gas. It was an amazing experience. The Kia Optima Hybrid really spoiled me with all the luxuries I was not expecting.
The Kia Optima Hybrid had heated leather seats and steering wheel. This my friends is my favorite feature personally. I may not be a savvy auto, all knowing person. I do know a good car that will work for me and most of you amazing readers. I will start by saying I have three kids and need room for three kids. That is not an easy thing accomplish in a car. Three car seats that are costly and need to be safe and fit inside a car. I probably lost you at three car seats. Well the great news is the Kia Optima Hybrid easily fit my three car seats in the back row. Do keep in mind I have two Dionos and an infant car seats.
Well I was extremely impressed with the space inside the car. My boyfriend and I had more then enough room for our legs in the front and room to push the seat back without entering the kids space for their legs.Everyone it in just right and no one had any complaints. It was roomy and spacious with tons of comfort features like the climate control, heated seats, sun roof, and much much more.
This car offers being a hybrid is not short on power. It also offers so many safety features. One feature that has become new to me was the tire pressure, I am paranoid of my tires getting popped or leaking and not knowing. This really is a great feature to have to know that something needs a little attention to avoid a bigger issue. The brake assist is awesome, really works well. With kids sometimes a little bit of help when your least expect it is literally a amazing thing to have. Let’s not forget all the air bags, traction control, front and rear crumble zones, and more. They even included a internal trunk release. You never know, let’s hope not, but could save you.
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I am a new found fan of the push to start! I can throw the keys in my purse and NOT have to dig for them every time! Such a convenience you never even thought about.
This is by far my favorite car from Kia. I mean this is an awesome car. It is not only super efficient on gas and gets your from point, a,b,c,d,e,f, and G without having to fill up. The inside is huge for a car. We ad plenty of leg room with the seat all way pushed back in the front seats but the kids also had plenty of room in the back for their feet. We all fit in there very nicely. While loved all the extra fun features. I am also very satisfied with the safety and gas features as well as everything else. The only thing I was not crazy about was the trunk. It was on the smaller side but for all that room inside, it made up for it. This is a perfect car for a family. You can use less gas and money AND be comfortable. Who knew! I suggest going to your local Kia Dealer and checking out a Kia Optima Hybrid. It will be well worth your while.
While this car can easily speak for itself in a test drive. I’d like to compare it to my recent recipe, well idea of the Latte Cubes. It’ such a genius idea and often wonder why have I not tried it before!! ~Click Here to read more on Latte Ice Cubes, no more watered down coffee~
If you’d like to read up on everything the Kia Optima Hybrid Has To Offer, CLICK HERE
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what brand of infant carseat did you pair with Diono? Trying to figure out what carseats I should get for a 3 yo, 18 mo, and newborn with our Kia O
I had two Dionos and a Nextfit. It worked alright in my Mazda 6. A little tight but worked! They also make bubblebums (like a blow up booster) Depending how old your child is can sit in that and those are really small. There is also a carseat by combi that is suppose to fit three across. Thats what we are using now since we changed the nextfit to our bigger car. The combi is really nice and they can rear face in it and it fits great with 2 dionos.