Goze – I received compensation. All opinions are mine and mine alone
I’m going to share one of the best ideas I’ve come across in a long time…
I have a few pet peeves, I’ll tell you two of them. Not being able to hear my cell phone GPS over the kids in the car, and keeping mine and my kids hands clean after touching all the stuff we come across during the day.
Cell phones are a huge part of our everyday life. They literally come everywhere with us. We take them to the bathroom (gross but we all do it), to the gym, put them down on tables and all kinds of surfaces. We wash our hands a bunch of times a day after we touch things. How often do we wash our cell phones? I know I never have.
There have been some tests on random things we touch all day. Shopping carts, doors, and cell phone cases. The dirtiest/buggiest things we come in direct contact with on a daily basis are public touch screens (ATM, self-checkout etc), the bottoms of bags and purses, and surprisingly enough…our cell phone cases.
And like I said before, I use my cell phone for GPS in the car. I have one of those GPS screens in my car but the thing always got me lost or took longer. My phone app has more accurate traffic, quicker routes. I just like it better. But there was always one problem, sometimes I couldn’t hear it over the kids and the sounds of the road.
So here’s that “best idea” I was talking about before.
I found a company called goze. A small start-up from Brooklyn that makes sound amplifying, anti-microbial! Both problems solved in one sleek, protective, case.
There’s this small chamber that they built into the case that catches and amplifies the sound 250% with no extra batteries or anything. I can hear the GPS so much better now. Its clearer, and louder. Changed family drives for me. Another interesting thing is that if you’re completely satisfied with the sound from your phone as it is, their cases can actually help you save battery life. You can leave the volume at a lower setting and get the same results. You wont miss a call or text or alarm again.
There’s two kinds. With and without a front cover. I really like the look of both, but I like to set the phone up in front of the kids when Im cooking or getting ready in the morning. They made this Theater Mode feature with the cover. It flips open into a stand and the kids love to watch videos or cartoons in the morning during breakfast. Its pretty amazing!!
The cases are also anti-microbial like I said. Which pretty much means all those yucky things we were talking about touching before, whatever you get on your hands won’t be able to grow on the case. So when your little one grabs that phone and decides it looks like a great teether, at least you’ll know there’s nothing interesting growing on it. And lets be honest, we can all probably benefit from one less thing around us growing weird stuff on it. Remember that whole taking the phone to the bathroom thing? Yeah, we all do it.
They are completely non-toxic, EPA approved, BPA free, and the anti-microbial protection never gets weaker. It protects your phone for as long as you have it.
Aside from all of that, the cases are pretty attractive, not bulky, but still provide really good physical protection. They’re drop tested like all the big companies, and the sound chamber does exactly what the bubbles in sneakers do. Theres a small space between the phone and the floor if it drops, almost all the shock gets spread out in the sound chamber.
It’s a genius design idea and I cant believe no one has thought of it before. This will be one of the best gifts for the season, I promise. They do all that stuff and they’re totally affordable.
The best part is that they made my readers an exclusive promo code you can only find here. Go to gozeproducts.com and use code PK20 at checkout to get a 20% discount!! Valid from now until New Years Day!!

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