for the business Savvy – Sponsored post. All opinions are mine and mine alone.



Setting up conference calls can be a pesky business. When people are not all around at the same time to discuss a topic, getting them together in a way that is simple is key. With, you can do just this and they have lots of awesome features that others that you pay for don’t even have as options. I don’t know about you, but some conference calls have required that you download things to be able to participate. Nothing is more frustrating.

2015-11-11 13_58_48-DB%27s Conference Call doesn’t have any of these downloads and you can video chat and screen share with ease. You can even have an online-meeting room so that you can have a more personal call face-to-face. It’s like you are in a conference room together when really you may be miles apart. There are tons of free features to use with that will save you from headaches. You can send both invitations and reminders about the meeting as well as review summaries of the conference call after it has happened. There is no more trying to remember what exactly was said if someone didn’t catch it.

Learn more about upgrades and bundles 

Another great feature is that you can schedule recurring calls if you have meetings at the same time on a certain day. With SMS notifications, you will never be late to a meeting again and you won’t have to enter a pin to have access to the meeting. Setting up group calls with people that are already in your address book is a breeze. Just choose who you want to participate. It’s as simple as that.

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Your number for your conference will be with a toll free 800 number so you won’t have to worry about fees even if you need to include someone in your conference that is across the globe. They have international calls, too.

Even more convenient is the mobile app that can be used for the conference. Don’t get tied down if you are out of the office to participate in a call. Do you need to talk about something with your colleagues as soon as possible? You don’t need to make a reservation on for a call. You can instantly hold a conference if you need to. Get work done that needs to be done without waiting for a time slot. To make sure that your conference call goes off without a hitch, there are other features that allow it to run smoothly such as active text and moderator controls.

They also offer other packages if you need a little more from the conferences that you hold. Just pay as little as $9.99 a month for extra features with the Starter pack or go Pro with the $34.99 a month bundle. As always there is the free option. You do not need to pay anything unless you think that more additional features would benefit you. An even bigger plus is if you don’t need everything in these bundles, you can just do add-ons for what you do need.

FC Homepage

Conference calling and setting them up doesn’t have to give you a headache. is here to make sure that everything goes smoothly. Never worry about  conference calls again. Set them up simply and let take the recordings and notes of the conference for you. All you have to do is participate and let the ideas flow. Work more and get things done and stress less.

Read more HERE 


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