#PieFace #Ad #IC This post was sponsored by Hasbro as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central and all opinions expressed in my post are my own.
My kids and I are always looking for something fun to do. Especially when it starts to get cold and wet outside. We do crafts, movies, and games. One of our newest and exciting game we added to our collection is Pie Face Show Down game. It’s a total blast. Your playing against the other person, whoever has a fast hands/fingers. We gave it a go and of course there was laughter and tears. In my house, we fight over who gets to eat the whip cream after it’s smashed in their face. So if you wanna see the beginning of that melt down, please watch the video!
I can also tell my two girls that are constantly fighting over stuff that to settle it, well have a Pie Face Show Down. Who ever looses has to massage my feet, thats their punishment and my reward!! The game is almost like a new version of tug a war. Whoever pushes the button fastest doesn’t get the pie in the face. This is a great birthday gift as well or Holiday. The price point is perfect and under $25. You can buy this game starting October 1 in stores and online at Hasbro Toy Shop
If your little for something to break ties, increase fun, and fill your house with laughter this is a game for you. My kids loved it, even my little guy that had to watch his big sisters play it. him just watching them was a blast. My girls have so much fun and the anticipation always gets them.
Next on our game list is a mom and dad show down. What!! Yea, that ought to be fun! Grab this game and get to playing. If you don’t like or want whip cream in your face, The game does come with a handy sponge. You wet the sponge and put it on the hand. So instead of getting creamed, you just get a little wet.
Little man needed a photo too! So we got him. “Why so serious, I asked”

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