Next Home Remodeling Project

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Renovating your home can be an exciting task to take on. Whether you’re looking to modernize your historic home, upgrade an existing room, or add in a pool and backyard patio, there are plenty of creative ways to add new life to your living space. If you’re unsure of how to start, here’s a guide to help you start planning your next home remodeling project.

Hire a Contractor

You might feel encouraged to take a DIY approach to home remodeling, but even a simple project could turn costly and disastrous if you don’t do it right. Instead, opt to hire a professional to tackle the flooring, plumbing, insulation, and any other structural changes. You’ll also want to consult with an HVAC contractor to make sure your unit is safe during the renovation.

As you research contractors online, be sure to read customer testimonials and check out any project portfolios available on the company’s website. If your friends or relatives have done a

home renovation before, ask them for referrals to help you narrow down your list of potential contractors.

Budget Responsibly

Since you’re investing a pretty penny for your remodeling project, make sure you have enough money left over to keep up with your monthly bills and necessities. Take the time to carefully plan out your renovation expenses so you know exactly how much you can spare for the project. After you add up the cost of building permits, labor, and materials, you’ll want to tack on an extra 20 percent to that amount to cover any unexpected expenses.

To help you offset the price of remodeling, however, choose stock items rather than custom ones and shop for discounted materials instead of paying full price. With a few money-saving techniques, you’ll likely avoid overspending on a renovation.

Know the Extent of Your Project

Are you looking to remodel the kitchen, bathroom, living area, or bedroom? What about other renovations like adding an entire floor or building a pool in the backyard? Whatever it is, you want to map out a solid plan and include the specific features you’d like for each area. This will give you a better idea of what you can fit into your budget.

Depending on what your project entails, you might face some restrictions. For instance, you’ll likely have to consult with your local planning and zoning commission to see if you can tear down a wall or install a pool. To avoid any issues, make sure you’re aware of the regulations and building codes in your city before you renovate.

Plan Your Living Arrangements

While some homeowners choose to stay in their house during a remodeling, others find it easier to stay elsewhere until the project is complete. If you work from home or have young children, you might find your living space to be both distracting and dangerous during renovation. On the other hand, staying close means you can address any remodeling issues that pop up. Examine the pros and cons of living at home during a renovation before you decide. Either way, it’s a good idea to review alternative housing options just in case.

If you’re planning a home renovation, use these tips to help you turn your project into a success.


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