Looking for a show that shows real life stuff? And by real life, I’m talking about death, divorces and the fact that no matter how hard I try to forget about my age- 30 is RIGHT around the corner! If you answered yes to all the above, then you have to watch The Other F Word.
You’ll laugh, cry and scream at your TV as you watch the characters struggle through an unfamiliar world after their kids are grown, after spouses die, and after not having worked for a couple of decades.
The Other F Word Series was one of the top series on Amazon for four months running and has been streamed daily since its release September 3, 2016 and has a large audience of devoted viewers. The second season cast lineup is something to look forward to – including: Judy Gold, Steve Guttenberg, Gilbert Gottfried, Michael Boatman, Alysia Reiner and Nancy Giles. Plus, former Comedy Central EVP and comedian Judy Gold joins Jentis as an Executive Producer.
Keep up with “The Other F Word” by following them on Facebook or Twitter! Links can be found below!
Tweets by TOFWSeries
**Disclaimer: I was compensated for this post. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own and not influenced by compensation.

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