Helpful Jewelry Tips For Busy Moms

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Helpful Jewelry Tips For Busy Moms

Being a mom means being a lot of things – a friend, a teacher, a doctor, a maid, a cook, a referee, an accountant, a protector, and so many other things. Basically, you are a walking and talking superwoman. Unfortunately, that oftentimes means you don’t have time for yourself.  Of course, there are those days when you look like a hobo and are perfectly okay with it, but there are also those times when you want to doll up. If you are looking for ways to instantly boost your outfit and avoid looking like you only had a couple of minutes to get ready before your kids screamed that there is a little bit of crust left on their sandwiches, jewelry is your best friend. To help you get ready in a blink of an eye, we have prepared these useful tips. 

Don’t overdo it

Instead of wasting your time trying to match several smaller and subtle pieces, opt for one bolder, larger piece of jewelry that will stand out. For example, you can go with a ring with a big red, blue or turquoise stone such as the ones you can find on On the other hand, you can opt for dramatic, dangly earrings or a statement necklace. The point is that your jewelry should make an impression. 

Neutral colors go with everything

If you are not a fan of reds and blues, opt for jewelry pieces that come in neutral colors. Greys, camels, frosts and blacks will go with most of your wardrobe and you won’t have to worry that you will make a wrong choice when you are in a hurry. 

Versatile pieces are your ally

When you have a ton of jewelry lying around your jewelry box or a drawer, you can waste a lot of time looking for the one that will go perfectly with your outfit. However, when you have a couple of versatile pieces you can make a decision in seconds. Therefore, get a necklace that can double as a bracelet, or that can be worn as a single and a triple strand. In addition, focus on finding earrings that go with casual outfits as well as formal ones, and find interesting pendants that can spice up any necklace. 

The power of bracelets

It seems like they are the underdog of jewelry. Everyone always focuses on earrings and necklaces, when bracelets are those that can make a huge difference when it comes to your look. Some people use their watch as an excuse not to wear bracelets, but there are those really thin ones that you can wear with your timepiece. Also, try stacking them. A lot of trendsetters are stacking their bracelets (just make sure they have something in common, like the style or color) so give it a shot and you will become a fashionista. 

Add glamour with brooches

Although it can seem like a brooch is something your grandma will wear, this is actually one of the most elegant pieces of jewelry. It is perfect for both casual and business outfits and if you are a working mom it can help you add glamour to your office attire without any effort.

Stay organized

When you take your jewelry off, it is easy to leave it on the counter, on the bathroom sink, or your coffee table. However, keep in mind that oxygen is guilty of making your sterling silver tarnish. Therefore, when you are not wearing your earrings, rings, or bracelets, keep them in a jewelry box or even a ziplock bag. In order to avoid tangling (the last thing you need in jam is to waste more time untangling your necklaces) store one necklace in one bag. 

Keep in mind that your jewelry will fully sparkle only when it’s clean, so make sure you always carry a clean cotton cloth with you. After all, a well-maintained piece of jewelry will help you look your best even on those days when everything is a mess


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