Pampers Baby Dry #Giveaway Daylight Savings Time Tips

“This review was made possible by Double Duty Divas and Pampers. I was provided the featured product free of charge to facilitate my review, but all opinions are 100% mine.”
A dry baby is a happy baby! 

Do you have kids in diapers? I do still unfortunately I won’t see an end to this for at least 2-3 years. From potty training two other kids I know I could be in for a the long haul. I need a good diaper that will actually do the job it says it will do. As parents we look at multiple products that claim to be the best or works for this amount of time. In the end we end up with disappointment. Well at least with Pampers We won’t ever be disappointed.

With all the time changes and darker coming sooner or later, Kids get all mixed up. Sometimes we over sleep ourselves or just don’t want to wake a sleeping baby. Some nights I spend hours trying to get my son to sleep. I often think is it worth it to check his diaper or just let him be. After all I am exhausted and just need a few hours of sleep please!!! I know with my son now if i wake him up at 2am to change his diaper he thinks it’s play time. I am not ok with play time at 2am. Pampers finally gave me a diaper that will last all night. I am seriously aloud to stay in my bed as long as he’ll let me sleep without feeling guilty! Heck yes I shout in my head. I can sleep, he can sleep, and we all win.

Pampers Baby Dry diapers are good for up to 12 hours. 12 hours, that’s crazy! If I could get 12 hours of sleep I would feel like a new mom. Well maybe not a new mom but a refreshed mom. They come in sizes 1-6. You can use them from a tiny baby to a big kid. You know how many more hours of sleep you will have gained just knowing your bundle of joy is ok if you choose not to change him one time out of the day.

The diapers are “ultra absorbent”. They have three layers that absorb instead of the normal two in ordinary diapers. The are snug, stretchy, great quality, and the most absorbent baby dry ever. They even come in some new fun graphics.

Once he got a nice dry diaper on and his new P.Js. He was a happy boy and in a matter of no time fell asleep! 

With the time change recently I can tell my kids have been effected. They were grumpy and tired earlier. Then came bed time and they were not tired. There are many great tips from “The Sleep Lady” to help you with this transition. Some of the ones that helped us out greatly were getting black out curtains. I can’t tell you how many times my kids have been up very early because of the sun. ERRR, if I could yell at the sun to go back to bed. The blackout curtains really made a difference. They sleep at least an hour longer and they seem more rested since they aren’t waking up that early. Another one is to look out for your babies sleep ques and change their diaper before putting them to bed too. This helps them be more comfortable and making it possible for you to let your little one sleep in just a little longer.

I also enjoyed the idea of going for a brisk walk in the morning. This really helps with time change. The cold really wakes me up and after a nice little walk I am ready to care for 3 kids all day. Heck, maybe I’ll even attempt to go to the store. Trying to stick to a schedule is hard. Especially for me. When I worked in nursing I was up really late and up again early. I was tired and cranky. I would make lunch at different times and all that non parent of the year stuff. Now that my family and I choose for me to stay home again. It has been great. We have gotten into a better routine and it has really made a huge difference. My kids will sleep better, they nap better, and eat better. While some days get messed up, we just pick it right back up the next day.

Still fast asleep an hour later. He still felt dry even. 

     The best time to allow your baby to go to bed is 7:30-8pm. After that it has been shown to have early risers, bad attitudes, and more. I was here thinking 9pm was a good bed time. Also a bedtime routine is great for kids. Mine get a shower, brush teeth, dressed, tucked in bed, blown kisses, and off to bed they go. They now know that when we get showers or brush teeth its bed time. They start to calm down and really show the signs they have been trying to hide. For my family bath time is fun but also relaxing. Their last hoary for the night. It has worked out good. These tips have been so helpful for me. Also to have my baby in a new Pampers Baby Dry puts my mind at ease for letting him sleep in and not worrying about his butt getting red from a wet diaper. I have tried the Pampers out for myself and can say they truly do work. He slept for a 6 hour stretch and his little butt was just fine and he was all smiles.

Check out the new Pampers, Follow them on Twitter, and Facebook .

Do you just LOVE Twitter Parties! Come and join for great conversation and prizes!

November 7th at 9pm EST.  Chat about how the end of Daylight Savings Time can affect sleep patterns & get tips on easing the transition from The Sleep Lady, Kim West.

CLICK HERE to join the fun and RSVP.
Prizes for the Twitter party include:
$50 AMEX Gift Card, $25 Children’s Place Gift Card, Pampers product and book by Kim West.
$100 AMEX Gift Card, Pampers Product, series of books by Kim West
Grand Prize: $500 AMEX Card to purchase sleep items such as a new crib, video monitor, etc.
To participate, follow your hosts @DoubleDutyDivas, @BridgetteLA, @CeceliaMecca @AngieKcom @WhatMommiesNeed @RamblingChick, sleep expert @TheSleepLady and our sponsor @Pampers

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Keep up to date by following on Facebook and Twitter. Always have something new up my sleeve.


  1. Pampers for sure!

  2. We use Pampers

  3. I am entering for my daughter who is having her first in 2 months. I used pampers for her and I know she will use Pampers!

  4. Pampers

  5. Angela Hendricks says

    Currently I do not use any diapers, but come June 2014, we are expecting a new addition to the household and I’m going to need a whole bunch! We use Pampers.

  6. Gina Blomgren says

    Looking for a good diaper that will last. Never tried Pampers.

  7. Pampers at the top of the list!! Especially for nighttime…but I also mix in less expensive ones during the day if we’re going to be home.

  8. I used pampers swaddlers and love them!

  9. Pampers swaddlers! The absorbency is amazing!

  10. We currently use Luvs and Pampers Baby Dry on my grandson.

  11. mostly cloth but seventh gen or cuties at night

  12. Dianne Hall says

    Pampers! Love them

  13. We use a variety, luvs, huggies, pampers

  14. rachel travis says

    Pampers swaddlers!

  15. i use luvs

  16. we mostly use cloth diapers but my inlaws use disposables on my son… they just cant get on board with cloth. they use parents choice brand mostly

  17. Susan DeVaux says

    Pampers or Luvs

  18. Debbie Jackson says

    We use pampers

  19. Aubree Faunce says

    I use Luvs and Huggies overnight

  20. We use combo of Luvs and Pampers.

  21. Renee Smith says

    I mostly use Luvs, sometimes Pampers or Huggies.

  22. We buy pampers.

  23. I use whatever I have a coupon for. Right now it’s huggies

  24. jenn McClearn says

    We use pampers at night and cloth during the day 🙂

  25. janell wagner says

    pampers swaddlers

  26. charla turnley says

    pampers swaddlers

  27. I use huggies and pampers

  28. Christina K. says

    We will be using cloth diapers, but plan on using disposables the first couple weeks and when traveling.

  29. Pampers is my favorite, but we’ve used other brands that we received as gifts as well.

  30. Denise Konkel says


  31. We use Pampers

  32. I use Pampers.

  33. Nicki Joseph says

    Love pampers swaddlers!

  34. The Walmart Parent’s Choice brand

  35. I really like the pampers swaddlers

  36. I don’t currently buy them.

  37. We use Pampers!

  38. jenn McClearn says

    we use cloth diapers during the day and pampers baby dry at night 🙂

  39. Pampers Cruisers all the way for 2 boys!

  40. I use huggies at the moment.

  41. Staci Nouri says

    Pampers Swaddlers

  42. pampers

  43. I have 2 little ones in pampers! We love pampers baby dry!

  44. we currently use pampers

  45. Darlene Owen says

    Currently we use pampers.

  46. Pampers

  47. I use whatever I can find that is cheapest. At the current moment my son is wearing the Meijer brand diaper!

  48. We haven’t started diapering yet.

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