Are you looking to revamp a counter top. Maybe you want it to feel fresh and renewed. Check out these awesome tips on home decor thats affordable for any budget. I am a dollar store and thrift store goer. I love treasure hunting and finding a deal. I also love to spend money but am stingy about spending it. That doesn’t go hand in hand I know. I try to find ways to get what I want for a lower cost. Sometimes I am simply bored with my current home decor and want to revamp something. nothing can freshen up a room like a few flowers and candles can. If you ever have gone to a thrift store they are really bringing in the secret goods. They have so many unique pieces of glassware or old furniture just waiting to be turned into something more. That something more you can turn those cheap pieces into, that cost sometimes pennies on the dollar can make a one of a kind gift.
One gift I made were hand prints of my children hands made into trees. The hand print were the leaves and then they put finger dots all over it to make it an apple tree. My daughter suggested she needed many apples because lots fall from her tree because she is just like me. To her that made sense, so I went with it. Trying to be like mom. We did the whole tree very simple and in finger paint. The finger paint cost $5 bucks. Then we headed over to the local thrift store to find a unique frame to put our picture in. Piece of one of a kind art for my home or a grandparents home. The frame cost $2. What a steal and a priceless gift and decor.
Recently I was very bored with my kitchen. I have this huge island and nothing on it. I love my candles and flowers. I did not want to go out and spend $50 on something for my counter that gets moved all the time. I also wanted a vocal point for when I walked in and saw it, It gave me that “Ahh, refreshed, feel good” feeling. So I hit up my local dollar store. I snagged three little pieces of glassware there. I also got a bag of pebble rocks to place inside the glass. You can buy their fake flowers for a few dollars as well if you do not like real ones. I already had the flowers in my yard, so I just got a few of them and put them inside the little vase I made. I also bought a pack of candles to put into the smaller pieces. As you can see from my picture. I now had three new pieces to put into my house for the low cost of $5. Thats a steal. I choose what I liked, the dollar store offers many other items including different stones and glass pieces. It just depends how creative you can get. That is one spot I love to hit up when my budget is low but I have the urge for something new. This also feeds into my creative, treasure hunting side. I get to find a fun new home decor product for my home without breaking the bank.

I really like this. Whats also cool about it is you can change it up using the same vases and have it match the occasion.
I would use all your tips for decor and all are easily available to me for such wonderful decor.
I absolutely love these ideas!! I’m always looking for new interior decoration ideas.. I’m not very crafty so I’m always finding stuff on Facebook, Pinterest and my new one, Blogs. =) Thanks for posting!