Oreo Cookies & Cream

I Got a blender for review and am using it in this review. All opinions are mine and mine alone


So want to make something different for a change? Maybe you just love oreos? Well this is an amazing treat. Oreos in whip cream from but oh so yummy. Think of all the things you could make with this cream?! PIE!!, topping for ice cream, or just to plain on eat it with some fruit. Yes, the fruit it the factor that makes our mind think “Hey, this isn’t so bad for you”! Well my friends, this is the answer to many things for oreo lovers.



8 whole oreos cookies-Double stuffed

1/8 cup of sugar

1 cup of heavy whipping cream

First start by putting your oreos, into your blender. I am using a Blendtec Professional Blender. If you do not have one, they are amazing! Check them out HERE. After you add your cookies to the blender. I puree it almost for about 15 seconds. By then it looks like oreos in a powder form. Because the icing is in the mix, It is moist.


Then you want to add your crushed up oreos into your mixer. Also add in your sugar and heavy whipping cream. then whip until it becomes firm. Then spoon onto anything you’d like, eat out of a bowl, or toss it in a bowl with some fruit.  Do not be surprised if you are dipping in for seconds.


ENJOY and Remember I use a Blendtec blender so variations are expected as not all blenders are alike. If you’d like to check out a Blendtec Blender. CLICK HERE




  1. Brigid OHara Koshko says

    These sound absolutely delicious and not too hard to make. I can’t wait to try these with my kids.

  2. Amy Straaate says

    Omg that looks amazing! Yum!

  3. shelly peterson says

    This looks so good! I like the added strawberries on top. the kids would love this.

  4. Linda Manns says

    Looks easy and delicious and I’d add a bit more whip cream on the top I think

  5. Very easy to prepare and looks so good. I think we just may have another favorite go to dessert in our house!

  6. Yum, this looks and sounds delicious, I cannot wait to give this a try. This is perfect it’s delicious and fast and easy to make, thank you for sharing this recipe.

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