This review and giveaway was made possible by Double Duty Divas and Febreze. I was compensated for my participation in this campaign, but all opinions are 100% mine.
Are your nose blind to smells in your own home? Maybe you have kids, pets, or just like to cook. All these smells that could possibly be bad will not be noticeable to you. They will certainly be noticeable to your guest. You want your home to smell welcoming or clean, not any sorta bad odor!
Febreze products really help clean up any bad smell in the house and keep it gone too. We did a nose blind test during my daughters birthday party. Our guest arrived and of course my youngest had to have a massive diaper explosion. Perfect way to enter my home ready to eat cake and snacks. They were hit with a wall of dirty diaper stench. Even though we didn’t have the diaper in the house anymore. After awhile We were all joking and having a good time. So my daughter wanted to watch a princess movie, after all she is the princess this day! So we made about 3 bags of popcorn to share. The popcorn buttery smell overwhelmed the house and we could smell it up stairs. Our neighbor even mentioned smelling the popcorn while she was bring her dog out. After the movie, no one thought about the popcorn smell but it was still lingering.
Next we snatch up our Febreze products and went to work to eliminate it. We plugged in our wall plug. We sprayed some fine mist and Febrezed the couch. Then we lite our candle. Soon the entire house no longer smelled of popcorn. The popcorn smell never came back actually. Thank gosh! Now we had a nice fresh scent in our home and no bad odors were about. Not even that gross diaper.
It was a really fun thing to test with our friends and my daughters love smelling things. A big hit even though we were having a fun birthday!
Want to read up on this more yourself? Details Below Chat with us using #Noseblind / Febreze Twitter / Febreze Facebook
You will win a set of Febreze products including the same products featured above plus a plug in! ALSO a $60 AMEX gift Card! How cool is that! Open to USA only. 18+ years or older. This blog is not responsible for the prize of any mishaps that may occur with shipping.
Ends August 7 Midnight EST.

Cooking smells that linger way past their welcome.
I’d like to get rid of that “guy” smell!
I just found your Blog
I would say cooking smell also , especially onions, garlic and fish . Thank you for this great giveaway!
It would be for the bathroom smells and kitchen cooking smells. My house always smells of onion and garlic!
Cooking smells, It drives me nuts
cat pee UGH!
i want to rid the dusty, musty smells in the carpets
I’d like to eliminate dog smell.
We need help and do use Febreze for litter box odors
I am noseblind to the cat and dog odors at my house!
i would love to get rid of cat box odor.
I want to get rid of kitchen food odors.
I want to get rid of pet and food smells.
I want to get rid of the smell of my husband’s stinky work boots.
I most want to get rid of cookin and pet odors from my home.
I need to get rid of food smells
I want to get rid of dog smells.
I want to get rid of dog smells and musty smells
I want to get rid of dog odors.
I want to rid my house of pet odors.
I would love to be rid of the dogs odors. We have three and they can be stinky.
I’d like to rid the odor of my dog.
Husband’s river shoes…ugh!
Animal smells from wet dog to kitty litter
I have five dogs and three cats. Need I say more?
Cat litter
Cigarette smoke from the neighbors in the apartment next door.
I’d like to get rid of pet odors in my home.
pet odor!!!!
I want to rid my home of my dog’s smell.
i’d like to get rid of my dog’s odors
I would love to get rid of food smells and food grease, Thank you!
I’m finally making an honest effort to quit smoking and would love to get rid of any residual cigarette odor.
I would love to rid us off pet smells.
The smell of our garbage cans!
We have some funky smells that come from the crawl space underneath the house. I’d love to get rid of those.
I want to get rid of pet odors.
I want to get rid of cooking smells.
I’d like to eliminate the occasional smell of garbage in our kitchen and the smell of tobacco from my husband.
I have four kids, a husband, and two cats. Can’t get much stinkier than that.
The litter box!
cat/dog smells and my FIL’s nasty cigar smoke from the garage that takes over the house.
I need to rid my house of the smells from my 2 dogs.
Entered the rafflecopter form as “Wild Orchid”
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
I would like to eliminate litter box odors!
I want to get rid of food and cooking odors.
Garbage odors
I would like to eliminate stinky cooking odors.
I would like to rid our house of pet odors
The litter box smell is always something we’re trying to hide. I’d also like to spray our couch.
I would like to get rid of stinky cooking odors.
i would have to stay my dog
My boyfriend has a cat and I absolutely cannot stand the smell of the litter box. It’s making me gag just thinking of it.
I want to get rid of the stale house smell!
i would love to get rid of pet odors
We have 2 dogs I would love to get rid of all the accompanying odors.
I’d love to get rid of the smell of my teenage boys sweaty sporting equipment
I want to get rid of sports equipment smells
I want to get rid of dog odors.
With 3 cats, my house reeks of cat smells, their dander, their litter boxes.
I share my home with several pets. I love using Febreze to eliminate cat and dog odors.
The cat box smell right after it gets used
I would like to get rid of pet odors from our puppy!
There are some dog smells I would like to get rid of.
I would love to no longer smell dirty diapers in my trash can