Post is brought to you by Charmin and Acorn! All opinions are mine and mine alone.
Charmin Ultra Soft
To parents, potty training can be a nightmare. I know with my son it was no different. Charmin can help. You think about how long this is going to take and how many accidents are there going to be. You want them out of diapers, but you want it done magically! Charmin Ultra Soft cleans like it needs to and is soft on little bums like it should be.
Potty training can be messy and frightening. If this is your first time or even if you are a “pro” at what needs to be done, every child is inevitably different. Curve balls will be thrown at you left and right and you need to be ready. Don’t get stressed. Don’t yell when messes happen (and they will happen!) . When we started potty training I also kept Bounty on hand because my son would love to play with the pee and tip it over and just make an utter and complete mess.
You have to remember that this is new to them and so they will want to explore. They are wondering what is in the potty. One of the best tips that I can give you is to let your child lead. They will let you know when they are ready to part ways with their diaper. It can be a lot harder to get a child potty trained that may have a younger sibling that is still in diapers. Make sure that potty time for them has your full attention. Your child will have this in no time with the right motivation!
I definitely waited until signs were shown that my little one was ready for the potty. Mimicking you or an older sibling is a prime example of this. When they see you using the potty, they will want to do it too!
Also, make it a no pressure situation. You don’t want them to feel like if they don’t use it when you think that they are ready that it is a “bad” thing. Potty games and rewards are a great way of encouraging your little one.
This is a learning process and they will take you on their journey with them. You just have to let them take the lead. If they start to use the potty and then take a step back, that’s okay! It’s perfectly normal. Kids also have accidents and that’s where you have to calmly remind youself that they are learning something new and they are a kid.
Charmin Ultra Soft will be your partner as you and your little one sort out this new adventure together. I know that the adventure of using toilet paper instead of wipes was a wonder to my son. He always wondered what it would be like to finally be able to use the toilet paper that he used to just unroll and make a mess with. Now he knows!
Make the experience fun! Ditch those diapers, use that toilet paper and get some awesome rewards. Make a system that works for your child. Every child has a different motivation whether it be a treat, stickers or something completely different than that.
To make everything easy Sam’s Club has an aisle that is filled with red and blue! Charmin Ultra Soft is back but it’s for a limited time so make sure that you stock up! Toilet paper is essential and let’s face it, you use it every day! There are a thousand free extra sheets in every single package, so that just makes this deal even more awesome. Extra sheets and potty training! Those two things just go hand in hand. So make sure you pick yours up while you can and make your potty training adventure a success!
To be entered to win, the person must share their potty training tip/trick and #CharminatSamsClub on Twitter or Instagram. Prizes are 53 $50 Sam’s Club giftcard. $50 Sam’s Club Gift Card Giveaway for Charmin

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