Maty’s To The rescue

Maty’s has some great stuff!! They sent me products for this post. All opinions are mine and mine alone.



Let’s face it, it’s the season for colds and the winter blues. Maty’s Medicine is an all natural solution to when you and your family don’t feel quite like yourselves. I got the chance to try out their Vapor Rub and Cough Syrup and I was very impressed with how quickly they both worked. Some medicines have a waiting period to “kick in” and don’t you just hate that? You don’t need to worry about that with Maty’s Medicine.


Every spoonful counts and is boosted with 10 immune boosting ingredients to have you feeling better quickly! Since they are all natural there are no harmful side effects to worry about. The Cough Syrup is safe for ages 1 and older and is very gentle. Unlike some other cough medicines where you need something else to soothe your throat, Maty’s Cough Syrup will also soothe your dry and irritated throat. It is made with real buckwheat honey that will have you and your family feeling better in a hurry.

Buckwheat honey is an antioxidant-rich honey that is produced in the US and is clinically proven to relieve your cough and soothe your throat. To enhance the natural healing power, Maty’s has also combined nine other immune boosting ingredients that you will need to get back to 100%. Improving respiratory function will lead to better sleep when you are not feeling well, and as parents, I know that you will thank them for your little ones being able to close their eyes and sleep.


And if you are looking for a natural alternative to Vapor Rub, Maty’s is it. Their rub will gently relieve cough and congestion. It is also petroleum free, paraben free and chemical free. If you happen to be diabetic or have someone in your family that is, this is a rub that is safe for them. The fact that this Vapor Rub is dermatologically tested and all natural makes it great to use with kids or even adults that have sensitive skin. Two years old and up in age can use Maty’s Vapor Rub. It has a very unique blend of eucalyptus, peppermint and wintergreen.

The eucalyptus and peppermint have always been the popular cough and congestion answer for what seems like forever. Since Maty’s is all natural there are other benefits from the oils that are included: sunflower, coconut and castor. You will get the relief that you need from Maty’s products while strengthening your immune system along the way.


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