Curious World #TapIntoWonder

This post is brought to you by Curious World and One2One Network. All opinions are mine and mine alone.#TapIntoWonder

Curious World

Kids ask a million questions, don’t they? Curious World App is here to save the day and your sanity! Access to everything that they want to know is now easily within their grasp with the internet. Kids these days know how to do so much more than we give them credit for. I know that my little one surprises me every single day with what he knows about technology! A lot of what’s out there on the internet is not kid-friendly, but Houghton Mifflin Harcourt has launched Curious World, a safe, fun learning app.


This is a subscription-based app that will offer all the educational content, games, videos and books that kids will love. Curious World is not just meant for your children though. It is also for you as the parent! The parent actually sets up a profile for the child so that the app can personalize your child’s experience for them. There will then be suggestions from all different categories that include math, science, literacy, creative expression and much more. The possibilities of where your child can go with this app will seem endless.


Another great feature is the parent dashboard that provides parent’s with details on your child’s progress with the app. How awesome is it that you can track your child’s progress without being right over their shoulder? You can see the content that your child has been engaged with over the last 30 days. You can even see the time that they have spent in each of the learning areas. You can then talk with your kids about what they have been doing on the app. Engage them. Stimulate them and let them tell you what they have been learning and having fun doing.

curious world

This app is seriously so much fun. You wouldn’t think so because it is supposed to be for learning. Your children will recognize the characters including Curious George. The videos are also educational and Curious World has teamed up with places like NatGeo, PBS Digital and NASA, just to name a few. You can sign up for a free trial on the Curious World website and receive 30 days of unlimited access with the premium subscriber experience.

Like I mentioned before, Curious World is a subscription-based app. It’s $9.99 a month, but if you choose to pay on an annual basis your cost is $79.99. This app stands out from others because it has themed collections, characters that your child will recognize and of course the “parent portal” where you can see what your child has been up to using the app. The Curious World app is available on the web for the “parent portal” and through the App Store for the children’s content.

curious world


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