Fall Reset Tips

This review was made possible by iConnect Influencer Management, Febreze and Swiffer was compensated for my participation in this campaign, but all opinions are 100% mine. #FallReset #Ad

Fall Reset Tips

I feel like the seasons come fast and stay long. I’m totally ok with Fall overstaying it’s welcome though. Fall is one of my favorite seasons. I can finally open my window again and let my house air out. We had the AC on all summer and it’s due for a spritz of airing out and fall decor. Come Holidays we have a lot of people in and out of our home. Sometimes they stay for a minute and sometimes they over stay their welcome but we won’t tell them. We want our guest to be invited into a warm welcome home. Some minor touches are on my must do list!

Fall Reset Tips

We like easy things in this house when possible. Things such as Swiffer mop. Have you tried a Swiffer? If not you must try it. We have kitchen floor and a laminate hardwood. It’s amazing for a quick clean. I can do both floors quickly or just use it for one. The toss away pads are a major convenience as well. The cleaning solution is also a upside as they have a few scents to choose from. Your not stuck with just one or no scent.

Fall Reset Tips

I also love getting out my Febreze. I use this almost as much as I wash clothes, is a lot. Except clothes are never ending, ahh ok let’s not think about that laundry downstairs that needs done. Let’s just not go down stairs or shut the door and pretend it’s not there until tomorrow! Back to my fall reset tips. Febreze is amazing for freshening up that dog bed in the corner or the kits toy box area. Here are some tips below to help get your house ready for fall and friends.

Fall Reset Tips

Fall Reset Tips 

  1. You can grab some Febreze in one of your favorite Fall scents. One of mine is Big Sur, really gives your home an autumn smell.
  2. Get or use your Swiffer to do a quick mop up before anyone that comes over. Depending on how big your floor is, it shouldn’t take long at all.
  3. When using your Febreze I love to go “Spray Crazy” I usually spray it on my curtains, area rug, baskets, pet beds, fancy throw pillows, super comfy throw blanket, just go crazy ok!
  4. When using the Swiffer it’s easy to quickly move small toys in the place they belong, get things out of your way. Spray and mop.
  5. Use the Febreze for your vehicles too for a touch of fall. Spray it on the car seats or under the seats to give it a fresh Fall reset.
  6. Grab a super cozy fall throw for your couch, sit back with your favorite drink, and enjoy these quick tips for Fall reset.


Febreze and Swiffer are both products that won’t kill the budget either. It’s a quick and easy spruce up for anyone with a busy life. Between school, work, pets, and sports. We barely have time to sit. If it’s one of those days where you shut your laundry room door like I do, you can grab you go to products and get to that reset we all need.

You can find Febreze and Swiffer products almost everywhere like retail, home improvement, grocery, and mass merchandiser such as Walmart or Target too. Find more on Febreze or Swiffer. Sich as products they offer or new seasonal scents.


One Winner will get a Full Size Swiffer & One Full Size Febreze Product.

Winner will have 24 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen and they forfeit their prize. Giveaway ends at Midnight on selected date within the giveaway form. Winner chosen at random. This blog is not responsible for the prize or any mishaps. 



  1. I love the cinnamon smell! So earthy!

  2. My favorite fall scents are definitely apple and cinnamon. Although, I love the scents all year long, too!

  3. So many great tips which are definitely needed! I need to totally get busy. My favorite Fall scent would have to be anything with apple. Spiced apples, country apples- apples and cinnamon- yes!

  4. Tamra Phelps says

    My favorite Fall scent would be the smell of Rum Cake. That sounds weird, lol, but I associate my Grandma’s Rum Cake with Fall!

  5. My favorite fall scent is definitely cinnamon.

  6. My favorite is cinnamon or a spice blend.

  7. Linda Szymoniak says

    Most of the year I use what I call the “blue” scents (typically with words like breeze, ocean, mountain, etc. in the name). However, in fall through the Christmas holidays I do switch out to things like more typical autumn or Christmas scents. A few years ago another brand had a scent called Fall Hayride and I was heartbroken when I couldn’t get it any more (one of the downfalls of seasonal scents, since they often change them every year). Of the Febreeze scents, I think I’d like the Fresh Fall Pumpkin scent for fall.

  8. It is a tie for me between cinnamon and pumpkin scents. I love them both so much!

  9. My favorite fall scent is pumpkin (and especially when I am eating pumpkin treats!)

  10. jennifer bowen says

    I would say pummikn pie is one of the scents I like a lot but well most of the time I use ocean and mountain scents a round the house or even lemon scents.

  11. shelly peterson says

    My favorite scent is pumpkin spice.

  12. megan tilley says

    Pumpkin spice or pumpkin pies are my favorite scents.

  13. Anything pumpkin or cinnamon

  14. Stephanie Phelps says

    I love pumpkin spice and everything nice lol

  15. Jennifer Rote says

    My favorite fall scent is baked apple pie.

  16. I love the Pumpkin Spice Scent for Fall!

  17. Heather Hayes Panjon says

    My Favorite Fall Scent Is Pumpkin.

  18. Julie Bickham says

    My favorite fall scent is cinnamon.

  19. My Favorite Fall Scent Is Spiced Pumpkin.

  20. My favorite fall scent is pumpkin.

  21. Kelly Tupick says

    My favorite scent for the fall is pumpkin spice, i have it right now in my burner.

  22. My favorite fall scent is cinnamon or a fresh linen scent.

  23. I love pumpkin scents in the fall.

  24. My favorite fall scent and flavor is apples.

  25. My favorite fall/winter scent is pine, real pine not pine-sol pine 🙂

  26. Robin Abrams says

    I love the spiced pumpkin scent.

  27. Spiced pumpkin is my favorite fall scent! I already have the candles burning 😍

  28. Cinnamon is my favorite. Apple cinnamon, too. So yummy!

  29. My favorite fall smell is apple

  30. My favorite fall scent is pumpkin spice!
    But cinnamon apple is also nice. 🙂

  31. apple cinnamon

  32. I love anything pumpkin spice–it smells so wonderful!

  33. Edna Williams says

    I definitely have to say Pumpkin Spice!

  34. Anything That Smells Like cinnamon.

  35. I like apple cinnamon best.

  36. I love Cinnamon and Apples during the fall

  37. Tammy Shelton says

    Cinnamon is my favorite fall scent.

  38. My favorite scent is Cranberry for the fall and winter 🙂

  39. I like a pumpkin scent.

  40. Apples are my favorite fall scent!

  41. amy williams says

    I love Cinnamon scent

  42. Pumpkin everything! Thats my fav

  43. I love mulberry, although it’s a little harder to find in fall products.

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