Four Ways to Get Your Mind Thinking Like an Entrepreneur

All opinions are mine and mine alone.


Four Ways to Get Your Mind Thinking Like an Entrepreneur 

Maybe you have a great idea for your own business, or maybe you already are a work at home mom who is looking to be more motivated. Or perhaps you aren’t really in the market to launch a company, but you like the idea of being more efficient and willing to take chances both at home and in your job. 

No matter the reason, you are ready to get your inner entrepreneur on. The only problem is, you are not quite sure how to go about it. Fortunately, training your mind to think like an entrepreneur is not that complicated or time consuming — and it’s definitely something that all women can do, regardless of whether or not you are self-employed. For example, check out the following suggestions: 

Sign up for an Online Education Program 

When it comes to supporting, encouraging and educating entrepreneurs, Amway is definitely an outstanding company and resource. The company’s leaders also understand that while many people wish to work independently, they may not always know how to go about it. This knowledge inspired the company to launch an Amway Education program, which includes a carefully-designed online curriculum that teaches people to not only be successful working for the company, but also offers tips that any entrepreneurial-minded person can use such as how to listen actively and read body language. 

Let Inefficiency Inspire You to Do Better 

One trait that most entrepreneurs share in common is an absolute dislike of inefficiency. Because they are their own bosses, they can often easily take steps to fix whatever they perceive as disorganized or a giant time waster. You can adopt this same attitude and willingness to improve things, even if you don’t own your own company. If the whole morning routine in your household is chaotic and crazy-making, implement changes to make everything run smoother and get everyone out the door on time. If you work outside of the home, notice what might need streamlining and see if you can work with your supervisor to suggest or maybe implement some improvements. 

View Setbacks as Positives 

In order for entrepreneurs to be successful, they cannot be swayed or discouraged by failure. Not allowing yourself to feel let down will go a long way toward boosting your inner entrepreneur. No matter what setbacks you are encountering — whether they are on a personal or professional level — look at them as an opportunity to learn and do better next time. For example, if you didn’t get selected for a promotion at work, remind yourself that you still got great practice going through the application and interview process and see what you can improve upon next time. 

Become a Risk Taker 

Starting a business is inherently risky, so it makes sense that most entrepreneurs have a knack for putting themselves and their ideas out there to see what happens. In order to emulate this risk-taking attitude, step outside of your comfort zone as much as you can. You can certainly start small — perhaps by volunteering to work on a project that is fairly unfamiliar but still interests you, or by suggesting some new product ideas to your boss. The more you do this, the more comfortable you will feel taking risks and the more you will think like an entrepreneur. 





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