6 Reasons You Should Pick Locks as a Hobby 

All opinions are mine and mine alone

6 Reasons You Should Pick Locks as a Hobby 




Lock picking is a great hobby that more and more people are getting into. Unlike juggling or yoyoing, lock picking is actually useful in daily life. Some people even make a living off the knowledge as locksmiths. 


Aside from being a practical skill, lock picking can also be a great way to build mental discipline. Some enthusiasts have even turned into a competitive sport. Here are the reasons why you should go into the lock picking hobby. 


Lock picking has practical applications 


Imagine getting locked out of your house or car with no accessible spare key. You’ll have to rely on the services of a locksmith – or someone who knows how to lockpick – to solve your situation.  


Lockpicking knowledge can get you out of that mess quickly and for free.  


Knowledge of lock picking helps you make proper security choices. 


Knowing the intricacies of locking systems helps you make informed decisions regarding privacy and security.  


Having that knowledge puts you in a better position to determine whether a particular lock or security scheme is enough to protect your property.  


It’s a mental exercise that builds patience and sensitivity 


Lock picking requires mental fortitude and detail-oriented discipline. It’s an artform that requires a lot of patience from the hobbyist.  


Training muscle memory to effectively use different kinds of picks as well as recognize the resulting feedback from the locks requires a lot of dedication. 


It’s an impressive and marketable skill to have 


To the untrained eye, lockpicking is essentially magic. It’s like doing card tricks, but with a piece of metal and a lock. You’re bound to impress someone with your lockpicking prowess. 


It’s also a marketable talent for those going into law enforcement, security, and the military. 


Lockpicking is intricate and it has a competitive side 


Lockpicking enthusiasts call it “locksport” and they hold competitions on who can quickly unravel tough locking systems. 


Picking locks can be a tedious but extremely rewarding pastime. You get to deal with plenty of picks like hook picks, rake picks, ball picks. There are also keys involved like jiggler keys, skeleton keys, bump keys. It’s a deep and interesting hobby to get hooked on. 


It’s an important skill to have for survival and apocalyptic scenarios 


For doomsday preppers, lockpicking is an invaluable skill to have. Opening locked structures to scavenge through is one thing. Securing your resources properly is another. 


Not every door can be smashed in. Not every lock can be compromised with force. Not every building has windows or vents as alternative entry points. Lockpicking knowledge broadens your options in an SHTF scenario. 


Closing Thoughts 


Lockpicking is a fun and rewarding pastime. It’s one of those hobbies that actually has a use in daily life. It’s also inexpensive to get into, compared to the other hobbies out there. 


Lockpicking has a lot of practical applications. You can even make a living off it, or improve your chances of landing a job in professions that value the skill. In apocalyptic scenarios, having lockpicking knowledge can determine whether you starve to death, or find a secure spot with plenty of resources to use. 




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