7 Things You Need To Know About Motorcycle Helmets 

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

7 Things You Need To Know About Motorcycle Helmets 


Motorcycles are now increasingly preferred as the primary mode of transportation. This is due to their efficiency and speed when it comes to traffic congestion on the road. Considering cost, they are affordable and more economical in terms of fuel. It is however paramount for motorists to wear helmets during the ride. The right helmet has the ability to save your life in case of a crash. 

Why Should You Wear Motorcycle Helmets? 

Motorcycle helmets are primarily used to provide road safety to motorists. In the event of an accident, the helmet prevents and reduces motorists’ head injuries hence saving lives. Many countries in the world are now enacting and enforcing laws and standards against all motorists to follow. This will bar motorists from reckless riding. 

Things to Remember when Choosing a Motorcycle Helmet: 

  1. Suitability


It is very important to consider buying a helmet that superlatively fits you. It should evenly fit your entire head firmly. Examine its visibility by trying to move in various riding positions while seated on a motorbike. However, avoid any helmet with pressure points. 


  1. Helmet Components and Their Functions


From the outside is a helmet shell made of strong deformable materials. The shell acts as bodywork, which holds other components together. 


You may consider a clear one for low light and a dark one for sunlight riding. They are however fragile in nature. 


  1. Weight of a Helmet


The weight of a helmet matters a lot. Lighter helmets are preferably the best for motorists especially when riding for long hours. They do not cause fatigue to the skull in any way. Unlike light ones, heavy helmets give you hard time to move your head when it comes to negotiating a corner, hence causing fatigue. 


  1. Side-line Vision

Helmets should not blur your sideline vision as a motorist. Did you know that human beings are capable of seeing 90 degrees to either direction? For this reason, all helmets should have an allowance of 105 degrees to either direction. This facilitates sideline vision of the motorist. 


  1. Helmet Care and Storage


A helmet requires the greatest care just like the motorbike itself. The following are helmet care and storage rules you ought to observe: 


  • You should not put it on the floor. 
  • You must not allow it to fall on the ground. 
  • Do not allow anyone to handle it. 
  • Store it away from extreme heat and harmful fumes. 


  1. Brand


Different motorcycle helmet brands exist for different disciplines. Some of these helmets include sports, adventure, motocross helmets among others. For further review of helmet brands, you can check on best motorcycle helmets online to learn more. 


  1. Safety Ratings


It is very important to put into consideration safety ratings of the helmet. It must meet both requirements of the law and that of the third party organization. Research shows that helmets have a lifetime of 5 years from their date of manufacturer. In order to protect you as the user, they are designed to destroy themselves in a crash. 


In conclusion, it is evident that motorcycles have a high rate of accidents than trucks and automobiles. As a motorist, consider putting on your helmet always. This will enable you overcome fatal injuries on your head during an accident. Helmets are able to scatter a huge amount of energy during head – on – crashes with the ground. By so doing, the helmet achieves its primary goal of protecting your head during the impact. Above all, observe the helmet requirements given above. 



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