Settle In And Buckle Up To Avoid These Driving Risks

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

When it comes to driving, there are a manner of safety issues to remember. It’s no wonder when you consider how much responsibility you have when you’re behind the wheel. Get things wrong and you could harm yourself or those around you. Either way, you could ruin your life in no time.

Often, when it comes to car safety, we focus on what’s happening outside the vehicle. We follow speed limits, watch out for other cars, and pay attention to our road presence. In truth though, what’s happening inside your vehicle has as much relevance.

Namely, we’re talking about whether you wear your seatbelt. A lot of us buckle up as soon as we sit down, understanding that a seat belt can save our lives. But, an astounding amount of passengers and drivers still fail to take this safety measure. For proof, consider that of 22,441 car-related deaths in 2015, more than half were unrestrained. That’s pretty scary stuff. It certainly brings home the point that you need to ensure your passengers buckle up. What’s more, you need to follow suit. Here’s why.

Risk of serious injury

It should go without saying that the primary motivation here should be the risk of serious injury. In fact, seat belts reduce the risk of death by 45%. That’s a staggering enough amount to take note of. Without your seat belt in place, there’s nothing to stop you from leaving your seat in the event of an accident. That can result in severe injury or worse. Indeed, the prognosis is bleak if you’re flung from the car on impact. Yet, buckling a seat belt is so simple. It seems like a no-brainer, doesn’t it?

Not buckling up leaves you liable

As well as increasing your risk of injury, failure to buckle up could result in liability if things go to court. In usual circumstances, you could approach personal injury lawyers if another car is to blame for your accident. You can still do that if you weren’t wearing a seat belt, but many states have something called a seat belt defense. That means you may receive a reduced settlement because of the part you’ve played in your injuries. And, if you’re out of work afterwards, that reduction could have a significant impact on your finances.

You should be setting the right example

If you have young passengers, it’s also crucial you set the right example. And, to do that, they need to see you wearing a seat belt. Sure, you can set the right example by buckling them securely into their car seat. But, any good done there would be undone the moment they saw you not buckling up. If this is a common theme throughout their younger years, don’t be surprised if they copy when they start to drive. Given that drivers between the ages of 16-19 are more at risk already, this could be a fatal mistake. So, don’t let it happen; buckle up the moment you get in the car!


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