Top 10 Leading Cosmetology Schools

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Top 10 Leading Cosmetology Schools

You have decided to study one of the most thrilling courses there is currently? Congratulations are in order! You made the right choice because having a professional course in the field of cosmetology is having a great skill. You do not have to tarmac seeking for a job with a certificate in this field. This is because you can employ yourself and even employ others. Amazing right? So the first step to make to achieve this goal is getting a great school that offers courses in the field. This article will therefore, give you a list of the best leading schools that offer cosmetology courses.

There are a few factors you need to consider to guide you into choosing the best school such as;

Your availability

You need to decide if you will be attending day classes or night classes depending on your schedule. If you only have time at night, then the school you choose has to offer night classes.


Your budget too should also align with the school charges. You should also find out if the school offers financial help to students. This could be helpful if you do not have enough funds.

Extra services

You should also find out if a school gives extra offers to their students apart from good quality education and the program you wish to undertake with the help of online blogs such as Our World Is Beauty. You will find out that some schools offer attachment programs to students or even finding jobs for students after they finish school.

The 10 leading Schools:

1. Capri Cosmetology Learning Centre

It has been ranked as one of the best by The American Association of Cosmetology Schools. The students from this school become well established. The school offers courses such as makeup, hair styling, nail dressing and esthetics and also continuing school programs.

2. The Aveda Institute

This school offers the best quality education. It offers courses like hair cutting, coloring and esthetician services. Apart from quality education, the school also gives financial help to students, they also place their students to jobs after graduation and they make sure their schedules are convenient for students.

3. Paul Mitchell Schools

The hair designers from this school work in all parts of the world. The school offers courses in makeup, cutting, coloring, design, hairdressing and even fashion trends. Their schools are spread all over the country. They also provide financial help to students, give continued education programs and after their students graduate, the school helps them to find jobs.

4. Empire Beauty school

Their students after graduating have worked in celebrity salons. The school offers quality education and they ensure their schedules are fit for students. They also offer financial assistance to students.

5. Sassoon Academy

It offers courses in hairdressing, cutting, nail dressing and makeup. Their education is all rounded and they also look for jobs for their students and attachment programs. It has schools in Germany, Canada and United States.

6. Xenon Academy

It offers courses such as esthetics, nail dressing, hairdressing and makeup. Students in this school also have practical lessons at salons and trade shows. The schools schedules are also flexible.

7. Empire Beauty Schools

The school offers programs and schedules that are convenient for both day and night students. It offers programs such as esthetics, nail technology, makeup and hair dressing. It has its schools in more than 20 states in the country.

8. Coba academy

It offers quality education and students from this school are marketable and demanded by high profile salons. The school offers courses such as texturing, makeup, nail dressing and spa services.

9. Ogle Beauty Schools

The school is highly reputable in United States. The quality of education offered in the school is great because students from the school end up working in high profile salons. The school offers programs such as esthetics, hairdressing, cutting, coloring and makeup.

10. Arrojo Cosmetology School

The school offers theory classes and also practical lessons to the students. It also offers job opportunities to the best students at Arrojo Studios after they finish their programs. The programs offered in this school are hairdressing, nail dressing, coloring and makeup.

In summary, if you want to get good quality education in a cosmetology course then the schools discussed above are the best for you to choose from. You will not only acquire a certificate in your dream course from a good school with highly skilled professionals but also, benefit from other services some of these schools offer such as landing yourself a job immediately after school. Who doesn’t want that?


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