Options to Help You Regain Tighter Skin 

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

 Options to Help You Regain Tighter Skin  

As the saying goes, time marches on. There are few places where the passage of time is more evident than on the surface of your skin. With each moment you are alive your skin has to endure a multitude of hardships, including chemical and weather exposure, as well as internal changes. It’s no wonder that skin eventually begins to sag with age. However, that doesn’t mean skin sagging is a thing you have to just put up with. Modern technology has opened many skincare doors which can help you reduce the appearance of sagging skin. 


Surgery to Achieve Tighter Looking Skin 

Facelifts, tummy tucks and other forms of cosmetic surgery are well known for their almost instant results. So, if your wrinkles and skin sags are severe enough, you can certainly explore surgical skin tightening options. However, you must understand that surgery is a big time investment, as well as a financial one. Also, you will have to deal with the potential complications of anesthesia. Additionally, the results may not be as instantaneous as you think because post-surgery swelling and other side effects are not unusual. In most cases surgeons will not even perform surgery to reverse wrinkles and skin sags unless those skin problems are deemed too severe to be treated by other methods. 


Tightening Skin Using Various Laser Procedures 

One of the most popular non-surgical options for skin tightening is laser treatment. However, if you wish to try laser treatment you must choose the exact type of laser procedure you undergo carefully. There are many different  

medical laser-equipment for sale in the skincare market and in use in skincare clinics today. Some laser devices are specifically designed for the sole purpose of treating moderate wrinkles. Others are better used for more gradual and general skin health improvement. Typically, ablative lasers provide the most intense or focused treatments, while non-ablative lasers are meant to encourage gradual internal healing by getting the body to make more skin tightening substances, such as collagen.  


Ultrasound Treatments to Repair Loose Skin  

Ultrasound is a form of sound wave therapy that is often used to essentially stimulate skin cells. The stimulation caused by particular ultrasound frequencies targeted at certain sections of skin can cause collagen molecules to pull closer together, tightening up skin cells. Ultrasound treatments are also useful because the sound waves they produce can reach even down into the lowest layers of your skin. However, you will not see immediate results from such treatments. Also, you may have red skin for a couple of days after each ultrasound therapy session. 


Radio Frequency Treatments to Repair Loose Skin 

When trying to compare radio frequency treatments to ultrasound therapy you can look at the relationship as similar to the one between laser treatment and surgery in that radio frequency treatments are less intense than ultrasound treatment sessions, just as lasers are less intense than surgery. Radio frequency procedures are often used to treat the mildest of skin conditions before they become uncontrolled to the point where ultrasound or laser treatments are necessary. 


Injections to Improve the Look of Loose Skin 

Unlike the options above, injections do not always seek to cure sagging skin. Instead, they give the illusion of tightening the skin by filling in sunken areas or temporarily paralyzing muscles, depending on the type of injection used. Botox is a popular paralytic injectible. Collagen and certain healthy acids, such as hyaluronic acid, as well as other similar substances are known as fillers because they primarily serve to fill the cavernous space under the skin, causing it to look more round and plump. Although, some fillers also contain skin-strengthening and fortifying substances designed to help with general skin health.  



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