All opinions are mine and mine alone.
Stainless Steel Versus Non-Stick Cookware
When they shop for cookware, the question that most commonly comes up for most people is what kind to get. Besides the obvious part represented in the name, the differences between non-stick and regular stainless are not exactly obvious at first glance. The answer to the question of stainless steel or non-stick cookware isn’t a straightforward question with a straightforward answer where one of them is totally right and the other is just wrong. The answer to this question will mostly come down to your personal preferences on how you like to cook.
NonStick Cookware
Both types of cookware have their own advantages and disadvantages. For example, non-stick cookware is far easier to use and to clean since the coating keeps food from sticking to the surface which makes it easier to clean off this kind of cookware after the fact since you don’t have to deal with residual food stuck to it.
On the other hand, stainless steel cookware has been the subject of some scrutiny since some scientists have raised a few concerns about the chemicals used to make the surface of the non-stick cookware make things not stick to it. The main issue is that exposing these non-stick pans to very high temperatures can possibly cause you to be exposed to some potentially toxic chemicals as a result. If you are determined to use nonstick pans then there are some precautions you should take. First of all, ensure you do not ever heat an empty pan on a burner, keep the burner that you are using with your pan on medium or low heat to try and mitigate this and, if the nonstick coating of a pan that you are using starts to chip or flake, you should get rid of that pan immediately. Also bear in mind that this can usually be avoided by not using sharp, metal utensils with nonstick pans.
The last disadvantage of nonstick cookware is that they can’t sear or brown food in the same way as stainless steel can. Instead, when using nonstick pans, food will essentially just steam in its own juices which is not ideal for cooking.The top branded stainless steel cookware is currently either All-Clad or Calphalon, All-clad being the premium brand and Calphalon being a very high quality lower cost alternative.
Stainless Steel Cookware
Unlike nonstick cookware which will do things like searing and browning food poorly and steam it in its own juices, Stainless steel cookware will instead do an amazing job at producing the beautiful and much-desired browning effect that you are after when cooking. This cookware is also far more durable since there is not a nonstick coating to be concerned about.
Additionally, so long as the handle is heatproof, this cookware is typically safe to put in the oven. The main drawback is that burn marks and the like on cookware can be somewhat tricky to remove and may need elbow grease to get off.
So, what is the ideal way to go about getting your hands on cookware and what is the right kind to go with? The best way to go is probably to get one of each so you have the best of both worlds and something to use depending on the circumstances. This will give you some nonstick skillets for things like eggs, pancakes, and other foods that like to stick to your pan while having a stainless steel pan for everything else.

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