Tips on Buying a Pet Hair Vacuum 

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Tips on Buying a Pet Hair Vacuum 

A pet hair vacuum cleaner is handy for a household with pets due to the fur they shade around the house. You want to enjoy quality time with your pets and not worry about the mess they leave behind. You may have guests or family members who are allergic to pet hairs hence you need to ensure your home is habitable for everyone. Many models can deal with pet hair. You, therefore, need to choose the model that works for you. 

There are a number of things to consider before buying a pet hair vacuum cleaner. You can check out recommended on to get detailed reviews.  


Here are tips on buying a pet hair vacuum: 

A Vacuum that Can Clean the Hairs from the Type of Pet you Have 

Whether you have a cat or a dog, your pet is of a specific breed and you need to know which one it is. Some pets have longer hairs than others do. The frequency by which they shade their hair also differs from pet to pet Dog breeds like German Shepherd and Chihuahua shed so much hair while breeds like Poodle and Maltese shed less hair. Cat breeds like Ragamuffin and Siberian shed a lot of hair while breeds like Bombay and Siamese shed little hair. If you have pets that shed a lot of hair, you should get a vacuum model that has great suction power. 

A Vacuum that Can Clean your Type of Floor 

Some vacuum models are designed to clean specific types of floors while others work well on any type of floor hence you need to know the type of floor you have. For pet hair, you should get a model with great suction power for your tiled and hardwood floors to ensure fur is picked up and not spread around. For carpeted floors or those covered with rugs, you need a vacuum that has a brush, which pulls off hair from the carpet and great suction power. If the layout of your home includes stairs, you need a model that is lightweight so that you can easily move up and down the stairs with it. 

A Vacuum with the Features you Need 

Pet hair vacuums come in different models, which have different features and attachments. You need to identify a model that suits you right. There are bagless models which means you do not need to keep replacing dirtbags while bagged models, which use dirtbags. Filters also differ from model to model and you should get filters that destroy microbes and allergens. Some models come with a brush, which is great for carpeted floors. 

A Vacuum Design that Matches your Preference 

This eventually comes down to your preference. There are different designs like upright models, which make it easy for you because you do not need to bend, canister vacuums that are great for pet hairs and great on carpeted and hard floors, robot vacuums that do all the work for you, stick and handheld vacuums that are great for cleaning small places but have less suction power. 

Your home and the kind of pet you have will play a major role in your buying decision. Consider the above tips carefully before you buy a pet hair vacuum. Expensive does not always mean efficient hence consider the ability of the model to meet your needs before you buy it. 





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