Tips to Reducing Electricity Use and Costs 

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Reducing Electricity Use and Costs 

There is no doubt about it; budgets today have to stretch further than they have done in many years. Every penny counts, which is why you need to look at reducing your electricity use and saving yourself some money. 

 To illustrate this fact, government statistics show that 13.3% of the population actually live below the poverty line. 

Electricity is one of the biggest expenses for any household, especially in the winter when you try to stay warm. But, despite it being an essential part of your life there are ways of reducing your usage and costs: 

Hire an Electrician 

This might seem counter-intuitive as you are spending money. But, a good local electrician such as  will be able to assess your electrical usage, check your electrical equipment and advise you in ways in which this can be improved to help you reduce your usage. 

You might not be able to implement all the changes in one go but they will help. 

Go Solar 

This is an investment and you need to be committed to staying in your home for the next 3 – 5 years. This is the time that it will take to get the money back on your investment. After this, the electricity is basically free! In real terms you’ll notice a difference to your wallet as soon as you switch on the solar-powered system; it can power most if not all your devices. 

So take a look at how long do solar panels last and start investing today!

Hot & Cold 

If your house is ever too hot and you need to strip off while the heating is n then you can easily afford to turn the heating down a degree or two. This can make a significant saving over the course of a year. 

The same is true for your air conditioning unit. Adding extra clothes means you’re wasting money! Start questioning when you have your heating and air con units on. Changing their settings and using them less will make a significant difference to your electricity use and costs. 


Experts have been saying this for years but it is a simple fact. Unplug your unused items to save electricity. Every item uses some power as it remains in standby mode. Turning them off will make a difference. 


You might be very attached to your old refrigerator or other appliances but the fact is that they are probably energy hogs.  

New appliances use much less energy and generally offer a better quality service. Although you will need to outlay some money to upgrade these appliances, the savings on your electricity bill will be obvious immediately. 

Move Home 

Okay, so this is a little far out but if you’re children have flown the nest and you’re heating a big empty house it is an option. A smaller house is easy to heat and keep clean. It will reduce your electricity usage, your costs and give you more time to do the things you enjoy. 

It’s actually a great solution, although the most stressful one. 





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