5 Ways to Improve Your Driving Before the Test

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Above the Grade: 5 Ways to Improve Your Driving Before the Test

Getting a driver’s license is a life changing experience and an exciting adventure. It can be nerve wracking. There are ways to prepare for the test. The methods and tips suggested here can be applied to help ensure a passing grade on the road test.

Practice Passing the Test

The more any task is performed, the more comfortable and better you become. Practice driving and take practice tests. There are options from which to choose. A learner’s permit is one option. For more information please check: http://safemotorist.com/content/florida-learners-permit-test.

When driving with the licensed partner, such as a driving instructor, colleague, or friend, ask them to critique your driving. Ask them to be brutally honest. They should give feedback about blind spots you didn’t check, turn signals you failed to use, and incorrect lane changes.

Use a pre-approved area or an empty lot to maneuver an obstacle course you have helped design. Take the constructive criticism and feedback as helpful rather than insulting. Another option is to attend a driving training course. There may be a cost involved that might be worth the actual road experience, knowledge, and training you attain. Driving schools are aware of what a real driving test is like.

Study the Manual

Understanding the laws and rules of the road is possibly just as important as the road test. Acing the permit test is not a guarantee you will ace the driving test. Under stress, you may forget the guidelines.

The more comfortable you become with the laws and rules of the road, the better the chances of recalling them when you are behind the wheel. The rules become second nature, and you don’t have to think about them. That knowledge gives you a boost of confidence that will help when taking the road test.

Calm Your Nerves

When people are nervous, they tend not to perform as well as they would like. Even experts are impacted by a case of nerves that causes them to lose courage, skills, or ability. The more you have your nerves under control, the better your chances of passing the test without a hitch.

When taking the test, try to imagine you are with someone that is not as intimidating as an examiner. Scrutiny by an authority figure can cause you to be a bundle of nerves. Pretend you are giving someone who is ready with praise, like your grandmother, a lift to the grocery store; or imagine a friend sitting in the back seat cheering you on.

Take the Test Prepared

Do a little review the night before the test. Eat well and go to bed at a time that provides a good night’s sleep. The day of the test, eat a hearty breakfast and do some light exercise or take a stroll.

Your brain will be ready and alert to take the test. If the test has to be taken later in the day, be kind to yourself. Study, practice, or engage in activities to keep your mind occupied. Do not obsess to the point you are too mentally stressed by test time.

Ask for Tips and Advice from Others

If you know someone who took the test recently, ask to pick his or her brain as to what to watch for and expect. Ask about any parts of the test the individual thought was particularly hard of tricky.

If someone you know plans to take the test before you, ask to go with them. Some states allow other passengers in the vehicle during a test. You will serve as support for that person who can reciprocate when you take your test. Whether you ride along or not, you will have some insight into the testing process. The feedback a friend receives can be used to your advantage.


Practice, study and be at your best on the day you take the driving test. Envision passing the test and operate from that feeling of confidence.


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