All opinions are mine and mine alone.
As much as we would love to head home from work to a sparkling clean room, that’s never the case! Maybe it’s because we’re the ones who have left everything scattered? Keeping your room clean can be a bit of a hassle, especially if you’re doing it in conventional ways. If you hate sweeping and mopping and repeating everyday, here are a few creative ways to make sure your room is clean and tidy without getting you bored!
1. Switch to Hot Water
As lazy as we are, we quickly want to get done with our laundry without thinking checking the water being used. Think about it, if the water is cold, how can your clothes be possibly cleaner quicker? As explained on, hot water obtained from tankless heaters is the best for cleaning laundry, doing your dishes and even cleaning up your washrooms. The hot water will not only clean your clothes and supplies quicker, but also better! Spend less time and energy and switch to hot water this summer so your clothes come out neat and tidy in no time!
2. Bundle Up Everything
Folding is not one of our favorite activities. Guess what, switch to bundling! Bundle up your clothes properly instead of throwing them in the cupboard. What you need to do is get all your scarves and bundle each on its own, instead of combining two or more. After you’ve bundled each item, place in the cupboard without mixing with all items. This means, one shelf space for scarves, one shelf space for tank tops and one shelf space for jeans. You’ll notice that your cupboard will stay neat and you won’t be bored with all the folding!
3. Hanging Rack is Your Best Friend
Remember ironing your summer dress and leaving it folded just because you don’t have the space to hang it? Invest in a hanging rack this summer! An iron-rod rack that can be fixed inside your cupboard is your best investment. Even if you don’t iron your clothes want to maintain their wrinkle-free look from the dryer, this is how you do it. Hang your clothes on the rack and maintain a safe distance between two items. You’ll spend less time on ironing and eventually less time in getting ready!
4. Vacuum Replaces the Duster
Put on your favorite playlist because it’s time to do some vacuuming! Forget the old duster that only makes you sneeze and cough. Get a vacuum cleaner that cleans your furniture carvings, your top shelves and even floor surfaces. Instead of mopping, this one-time investment can help you clean the room quicker and in a fun way. No more strain on your arms and legs, simply run the vacuum where you see dirt and clean it with a single motion of the arm.
5. Checking Lists
Another way to get work done quickly is making a list. Make a list of at least one cleaning activity you should do everyday. For instance, vacuuming the floor would be on a Sunday, doing the laundry would be Wednesday and Saturday, and so on. After you’ve been a good cleaner for the whole week, reward yourself with a treat! This will keep you motivated and cheered up for cleaning your room often!
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