Finding the Right Scrubs for Your Position

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Healthcare WorkWear:

Finding the Right Scrubs for Your Position is Easier than You Think

For some physical therapists, dressing codes at work depend on both the setting and your employer.  However, scrubs are a generally accepted uniform in most pediatric rehabs and healthcare companies. But it makes more sense to consult with your employer before purchasing to find out what they expect of you. They may be looking for a specific style, pattern, color, style or manufacturer. Are there any restrictions? One way to know what your boss wants is to take note of what your fellow workers are putting on. You don’t want to be the odd one out. 

Once you know what is expected of you, think about the measurements. Most retail and web-based stores like WonderWink Scrub Shop size differently which makes this step very crucial. Try on your clothing to make sure it fits just right fit.  Buy separates, instead of complete sets, to cater for the difference in lower and upper body. Also, bend over when trying on your scrub to make sure it isn’t too revealing or too tight.  

Here are more tips: 

Quality pays off 

Scrubs made of 100% cotton are generally considered the most breathable and durable than those of synthetic fabric.  But the modern synthetics have dry-release properties that whisk away moisture ensuring your skin remains dry. Plus they are often softer and flattering.   

Check the waist style  

There is a range of waistband styles from elastic, button, zipper to drawstring and fold-over.  Drawstrings are the most adjustable and comfortable for all body types. 

And the neckline too 

Necklines matter; choosing the wrong style may compromise your scrubs’ comfort.  There are several styles including keyhole, boat neck, knock wrap, u-shaped, V-neck and snap front, to list a few. V-necks are not the best for hairy-chested males and busty females. Instead, they should go for a mock wrap or the u-shaped types. V-necks are perfect for petites. 

Sleeve type and length  

For those who are sensitive to cold environments, go for long-sleeved tops, or put on long tees under you short-sleeved top. Set-in sleeves only cover up to the shoulder while Raglan sleeves extend to the collar. Also, consider the seams; those of set-in sleeves surround the armpit causing irritation, whereas seams in raglans are slanted running beneath the arm and through the neck thus reducing irritability. 

Pockets or no pockets  

Depending on the tasks you expect to perform with your scrub, decide the number of pockets you need and your ideal placement; whether on the waist, chest or pants.  However, do not overload pockets as this may add excessive pressure pain to your shoulder, neck, and hips.  

Choose the right Pant style for your body type 

 Triangle and pear-shaped women look better in wide-legged pants.  More athletic body types do best with cargo-style, boot cut, or flared pants. The hourglass figure lady and larger gentlemen should pick monochromatic looks. On the other hand, full figures look smarter in straight-legged and high-waist pants.  

Final Words 

With these tips at hand, how could you go wrong in choosing the ideal scrub to complete your work dress code? If you don’t find one that meets your needs, tailoring is a good idea. 




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