5 Sure Ways to Help Your Pet Live Longer 

All opinions are mine and mine alone.


5 Sure Ways to Help Your Pet Live Longer 

Are you making choices to live a healthier lifestyle, embracing change and swapping out bad habits for good ones? It’s a great time to think about your pet’s wellness, too. 

Here are five ways to help your furry friends feel their best–so they can be your best companions, for life. 

1. Always remember yearly vet visits 

Don’t miss out on any examinations. Even if your pet is perfectly healthy, you should take this time to think about preventative care. Bringing your pet in for examinations can also tie in with required immunization shots, discount pet medication and vitamin prescriptions. 

Your vet will check your pet for potential health risks, and give you tips for helping your pet maintain a long and healthy life. If necessary, you should take your pet to get neutered or spayed by a trusted vet. Schedule annual examinations, and keep to them! 

2. Pet-proof your home 

If you own a curious creature, you’ll need to get a bit creative when it comes to pet-proofing your home. Remember to get rid of or replace plants that may be poisonous for your pets. Place any toxic chemicals, detergents and cleaning materials out of their reach, preferably behind lockable doors. 

Do you have any breakables and glass objects in the house? Store them away because these items can tip over and shatter, which may injure pets. Think about any scenarios where your house and living areas could be hazardous to your pet’s health. 

3. Daily exercise 

Just as you wouldn’t skip your daily workout and exercise routine, you should extend the same thought to your pet’s exercise schedule as well. Exercise stimulates both body and mind, and it keeps your pets healthy. Depending on their needs and level of activity, you can plan nature walks, sunshine strolls or visits to the local park. 

Find out which places in your neighborhood are specifically pet friendly; this will help you decide where your dog can run off-leash. Agility training can be fun for both of you! You might find that as you focus on your pet’s exercise, you’ll become even more active and fit–keeping your heart health in tip-top shape, too. 

4. Commit to regular pet dental care 

Besides annual vet check-ups, schedule visits to clean your pet’s teeth. At home, brush your pet’s teeth well with pet toothpaste. This will ensure healthy teeth and a pain-free, happy life for your pet. 

Periodontal disease is common, but the good news is that it can be avoided and even cured. Not paying attention to pet dental care could end up being more costly for you in the long run. 

5. Give them special attention 

Who doesn’t want to love and be loved? The most loyal pets are those who know they are cared for and loved. By attending to your pet’s physical health, you will provide tremendous benefits for their total well-being. They’ll be happy to be around you, and you’ll come to find a source of strength and support in your adorable furry friends.

Always make sure to keep a list of pet medications, vitamins and required health foods when doing your weekly groceries. You can buy Heartgard Plus online, and for your pet’s joints, look for the recommended Carprofen caplets.

You wouldn’t want your dogs to stray too far from you that they might get lost. Make sure they look cute and insta-ready with colorful collars or better yet bring unique handmade leather collars.

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