Comfort on a Budget Never Goes Wrong

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Comfort on a Budget Never Goes Wrong

We live in a world of instant gratifications. Whether it’s movies, music, food, clothing or technology, it’s all available online. We no longer need to leave our homes to spend and, as a result, holding on to money is tougher than ever. Budgeting remains the best way to take control of overspending, but it’s no easy feat.

If you want to lower your expenditure and get more out of your dough, it’s important to break budgeting plans into small, practical steps. Often, spending goals fail simply because they’re too vague or unapproachable. Instead of telling yourself you’ll save x amount per week, change up your routines first and see what’s possible.

This article offers common and surprising tips on lowering your spend and saving money.

1. Cut Off Your Cable Package

Getting rid of a costly cable subscription can seem drastic at first, but it’s easy to get the same entertainment for significantly less. Services like Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime are a great alternative because they bring multiple services together. Not only are they cheaper, month by month, there are added benefits you just don’t see with a traditional subscription.

2. Buy Budget HVAC Filters

When money is tight, HVAC costs can be a real stumbling block. Yet, if the option is to turn the system off or opt for cheaper filters, the obvious choice is to buy budget components. With 20x20x1 furnace filters, cheaper fibreglass provides slightly less protection against irritants, but it is great at keeping dirt and dust from causing blockages.

3. Switch to Free Gym Classes

If possible, swap pricey exercise classes for a cheap gym subscription or exercise pass program. At many gyms, these days, there are scores of free classes including everything from Pilates to yoga, CrossFit, boxing, HIIT and more. You could end up saving yourself hundreds of dollars a year without giving up on that perfect summer bod.

4. Make Your Own Coffee

This could be a difficult change if you’re a diehard coffee fan. However, it has the potential to net you a surprising amount of cash. It’s simple too. Just buy yourself a thermos and, instead of stopping at expensive coffee shops on the way to work, bring your own. With every homebrew, you could be saving $4-5. It starts to add up fast.

5. Do the ‘I Need’ Test

And finally, this is a quick test to decide if an expensive purchase is a need or a want. First, decide what counts as ‘pricey’ to you and be honest. Whenever you think about buying something above this limit (and you’re not sure if it’s 100% necessary), give it 48 hours before you take any action. That way, you can distance yourself and look at the decision a less emotional, gratification driven perspective.

Why Simple Steps Are the Key to Successful Budgeting

If you’re serious about saving money, try to avoid setting vague or indecisive goals. It’s okay to have a target, but it should be backed up with realistic actions. For instance, don’t tell yourself ‘I’ll save a $100’ this month without being sure of how.

In fact, when you first start saving, it’s not always helpful to have a rigid goal. Often, it’s better to save a little cash, as regularly as possible. If you’re constantly putting little bits of money away for a rainy day, your piggy bank will fill up before you know it.


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