Top 5 Easy Ways to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Top 5 Easy Ways to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

Being more energy efficient is the “in” thing to do now, and with good reason! Being energy efficient not only helps you save money, it also helps the environment.

Even small changes can make a big impact on the environment and save you hundreds of dollars each year.

And the best part is, energy efficiency isn’t just for certain people. It’s for everyone! This is because the changes you can make won’t take up a lot of time or money.

So what is it you need to do to make your home more energy efficient? Read on to learn the top 5 easy things you can do.

1. Be Smart With Your Appliances

Household appliances are a big part of our everyday lives, and that’s why it’s so important to be smart with them.

First things first, if you are in the market for any new appliances, you should most definitely shop for ones that are Energy Star certified (just look for the logo). While these appliances do cost a bit more upfront, they will save you a ton of money in the long run.

Secondly, make sure that even if you have energy efficient appliances, you’re not overusing them. Turn as many of your appliances off and even unplug them when not in use.

2. Switch to LED Lights

If you haven’t already made the switch to energy efficient light bulbs, then now is the time.

LED light is an option because they use 90 percent less energy than incandescent bulbs. They can also last up to 20 times longer than traditional bulbs, and you never have to worry about burning your fingers when you change them!

And best of all, LED lights are incredibly versatile. No longer are they the eyesores that they used to be. Nowadays, you can easily find LED bulbs for every type of lighting situation.

3. Plant Shady Landscaping

Got a green thumb? If you do, then now is the perfect time to plant a shady green landscaping in your yard.

Planting trees and other greenery not only helps with your curb appeal, it can also make a huge difference in your home’s energy efficiency. This is because trees can protect your home from the beating sun on hot days, therefore making your home more cooler inside and making it less tempting to crank up the air conditioning.

4. Switch off Idle Gadgets

Think about how much time you spend using your various gadgets each day. It may seem like a lot, but when you think about how much time they spend laying idle, then you’ll quickly realize how much energy you’re wasting by leaving them plugged in.

From printers, to coffee makers, to microwave ovens, to desktop computers, we all have gadgets that we could take the time to unplug when not in use. Doing so may not seem like much, but it can add up to some serious savings by the end of the year.

5. Look at Your Windows

Windows can be a major culprit when it comes to wasting energy.

Oftentimes, this is because older windows aren’t as energy efficient, and they tend to lose a lot of heat during the winter months and lose a lot of cool air during the summer months.

If you are in the market for new windows, opt for ones with double panels or vinyl ones, as these are much more energy efficient than single panels or aluminum ones.


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