Check out These 5 Cutting-Edge Hearing Aid Models 

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Hearing Aids Reviewed: Check out These 5 Cutting-Edge Hearing Aid Models 

Hearing loss affects millions of people worldwide. While it can be scary to realize your hearing isn’t what it used to be, there is no reason to despair. There are lots of hearing aids on the market which can help you. Of course, you will want to find the best one for you. Only a specialist can assess your condition and choose your ideal hearing aid. However, we’ll discuss five which get some of the best reviews online.  

GENIUS™ 3.0 100% Rechargeable RIC 

This device by Miracle-Ear hearing aids makes hearing simple. It offers hassle-free charging. There is no battery to replace and a single charge lasts 24 hours. This hearing aid is suitable for mild to profound hearing loss and is available in eight colors. The new GENIUS technology eliminates background noise and enhances speech. This means you’ll hear better even when the environment is noisy. The device can also connect with your smartphone and other devices via Bluetooth and an app so you don’t miss out on anything. These hearing aids can be pricey. 

LifeEar Hearing Amplifier 

Another good option is the LifeEar hearing amplifier. It is small but provides strong sound amplification. It is one choice if you are looking for a discreet but highly functional hearing aid. The only downside is that sound can be harsh or screeching at the highest volumes.

ClearHear Rechargeable Digital Hearing Amplifier 

You may want to consider this device if you need some help hearing during specific tasks. It is affordable, comfortable and easy to wear. However, it isn’t the best option for long-term, everyday wear. Some wearers report a low hum and say the device doesn’t filter out background noise very well.  If you need a little help hearing the television or radio for a short period, it’s a good choice.   

Otofonix Hearing Amplifier 

This is quite the powerhouse. It is small, but wearers say the sound is of high quality. The device is also easy to set up. However, the major selling point is the after sales service. It comes with a generous warranty and tech support. You may need to adjust to the feeling of the unit behind your ear and take some time to get the perfect setting for you. 

Signia Pure Charge&Go 7Nx 

This model is quite new, and it is already highly regarded. It amplifies speech well and makes the user’s voice sound quite natural. This device from Signia provides Bluetooth connectivity and can be used with the myControl app which allows you to focus the microphone. You can stream audio for long periods with this device. It is also praised because it’s easily rechargeable wirelessly. It is a small hearing aid. 

 Needing a device to help you hear is not something anyone looks forward to. However, if you want to keep up with conversations and listen to your favorite television shows, radio programs, and podcasts, you’ll need to get an assistive device. Thankfully, many devices are discreet and quite high tech so you need not feel like you are ill in any way. Consider one of these five highly rated devices as you begin your search for the perfect hearing aid for you. 



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