How Keeping Up With Fads Can Be Damaging

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

We see so many fads on social media and the Internet that keeping up with them can be exhausting! From trying new workouts to finding new recipes to eating laundry detergent (for crying out loud!), keeping up with trends can be good but can be harmful. The Internet is full of great things, but let’s look at how keeping up with fads can be damaging. 

You Can Engage in Dangerous Behavior 

The worst, and most obvious reason, why keeping up with fads can be damaging is because some of them are straight up dangerous. Earlier this year, the big trend was eating Tide Pods. Obviously, this is a very dangerous trend and it had health effects for many kids and teens. The Internet can be a catalyst for this type of behavior, as well as other dangerous behavior like binge drinking and using drugs. This often leads to a need for drug rehab, all because of trendy fads. 

You Will Compare Yourself to Others 

The Internet and social media are great for keeping up with friends and family, research, and finding new things. But it also makes it easy for us to compare ourselves to others and this social comparison can be damaging. Tiny Buddha explains it well, but simply put, everyone is showcasing their highlight reel on social media and we often compare that to our regular lives. No one is posting about the hard stuff on their page, but instead post happy babies, exotic vacations, and perfect relationships. But this isn’t the 24/7 reality. 

Instead of comparing ourselves to others on social media, we should try to redirect our attention on things that really matter, like the real relationships we have with friends and family and see where our insecurities are coming from. By looking at the situation introspectively, we can try to avoid damaging fads. 

They Cost Money 

Not only are fads damaging to our well-being and mental energy, but they can also be damaging to our wallets! We’ve all seen the detox teas, smoothie cleanses, and beauty trends on social media. But often, these fads cost upwards of $400 or more and might not do much in the long-run. Seeing $500 hair extensions, $300 makeup palettes, and $400 tea cleanses are damaging to our budgets and not something that most people should be spending money on.  

Instead of hopping on these trends, find a sustainable substitute that works for you. Vitamins can help grow your hair naturally, there are plenty of more affordable makeup brands, and hitting the gym and eating healthy and clean is much more effective than trendy teas. 

What to do Instead 

As we can see, keeping up with fads can be damaging. Instead of trying to stay on the latest trends, find something that works for you for the long-term that isn’t just going to be a fad. This could include staying away from drugs, alcohol, and other trendy vices, not comparing yourself to others, and spending money on things that will last, rather than trendy hashtags on social media.  


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