Pimp My Rides- The Best Ways To Personalise A Vehicle

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

The Best Ways To Personalise A Vehicle

If you’re a car owner, you probably haven’t given your car’s look much of second thought. You looked for a model that was cheap, practical, and wasn’t too low to the ground when you bought it, and that was that on that! But there’s plenty of ways you can add a little more creativity and expertise to a car, to make it feel like its really yours. And hey, if it helps you spot your vehicle a lot easier in a crowded supermarket car park, the more’s the better.

So with all that in mind, here’s a couple of the best ways to personalise a vehicle. It’s fun to do, and doesn’t have to be expensive either.

Get a Personalised Number Plate

You might not think it, but this is the gift that keeps on giving! When you’ve got a personalised number plate on the back of your vehicle, you’ve got a better registration to your name, and a good way to show off how passionate you are about your car. Hey, you spent hundreds and possibly thousands on the model, there’s no harm in being appreciative about it!

Thankfully, it’s very easy to get your number plate changed, and you can have it done at a cheap rate. Go ahead and search here for your name here if you’re interested in this kind of pimping; if you spend money on a new registration you’re proud of, you’re guaranteed to be a lot safer on the road, so as not to waste your money.

Change the Seats

No, you don’t have to have them removed completely! That’d take up far too much of your time and money. But you can easily invest in some seat cover, which come in all kinds of shapes, sizes, colours, and designs. Even Star Wars covers exist out there, so you can find something for everyone

And not only will they add some more personality and expression to your vehicle, but they’ll save the actual seats and allow them to live another day. It’s a good way to make sure you’re never spilling food and drink on the cushions, and if you’ve got a pet, they won’t scratch the actual seats up on the way to the vet.

Add a New Radio

If you’ve bought an old car, chances are the radio inside of it either doesn’t work, or simply plays clipped audio you can’t hear properly, and never picks up a radio station you actually want to listen to.

But you’re in luck, as you can add in a new radio fairly easy, and you won’t have to head to a mechanic’s. And if you want a aux cord port, this is the best way to plug one in, rather than spend and spend on finding conversion wires to make plugging in your phone possible!

Pimping your ride can be easily done, but there’s always going to be good and bad ways to do it. Make sure you’re spending smartly in your expression quest!


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