Why Beauty Starts With What You Put Into Your Body

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

There are many ways to look and feel beautiful. Whether it be a new hair color, a tan, or a shopping spree, many of us view beauty from the outside. But in reality, beauty starts with what you put in your body. Let’s look at a few ways to approach beauty from the inside out. 


Biotin, vitamin C, collagen, and b-complex are some of the most popular vitamins that help grow strong nails, long hair, and glowing skin. Biotin is naturally found in eggs, milk, and bananas and is commonly used for growing long, healthy hair and beautiful nails. Collagen is the natural compound found in our skin that regenerates that youthful glow. As we get older, our collagen levels decrease, but collagen supplements help replenish your body’s collagen. 

Some of the most popular beauty vitamins are HUM Nutrition, OLLY, and SugarBearHair. These vitamins really prove that beauty starts from within and what we put into our bodies. 

 Healthy Eating 

Your diet plays a major part in how you look. Not only does eating healthy food make us feel better, but it makes us look better, too. There are thousands of naturally-occurring vitamins and minerals in fruits and veggies. Below are some of the healthiest foods for your look:  

  • Olive Oil – Olive oil helps reduce signs of aging because it has healthy fats, which can lead to a youth boost. Olive oil also quenches free radicals, which are dangerous for your skin and overall health. 
  • Tomatoes – Tomatoes can actually help protect your skin from sun damage, which also helps reduce signs of aging. The antioxidant found in tomatoes, lycopene, improves skin’s natural SPF. 
  • Oatmeal (and other healthy grains) – Natural grains are a much better pick for healthy skin than refined carbs, like bread and bagels, because these refined carbs boost androgen and insulin levels. These spiked hormones can cause acne and oily skin. Instead, reach for whole grains like oatmeal or brown rice. 

 Clean Living 

One of the best things you can do for your health and beauty is to cut out vices like drugs and alcohol. Not only are these choices bad for your overall health, but they dehydrate your skin, cause bags under your eyes, and many worse effects. Vogue explains: 

“‘Alcohol is actually one of the worst, most aggressive compounds to destroy your skin,’ says New York nutritionist Jairo Rodriguez, who counts designers and Vogue editors among his clients. ‘I always joke with my patients, “If you want to get older, go ahead and drink!”’ 

Alcohol dehydrates every mucous membrane in your body, including your skin, which is why drinking causes more wrinkles and fine lines. Alcohol also causes inflammation, which causes redness, irritation, and pimples. 

Ready to give up alcohol for good? There are many treatment types to help. Find the program that’s right for you to get and stay sober. 

There are countless serums, creams, and beauty services available to help how you look, but the real difference will come from what you put in your body. Try taking supplements, eating healthy, and giving up alcohol to have glowing, youthful skin and healthy hair and nails. 


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