How to Safely Detox from Alcohol 

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

How to Safely Detox from Alcohol 

Alcohol abuse and addiction is one of the most prevalent substance disorders in our country. According to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, 17.6 million people, or one in every 12 adults, suffer from alcohol abuse or dependence. Drinking is a common social behavior in our culture and it’s not uncommon for the average adult to have a few drinks a week, but the line between social drinking and alcoholism is easily blurred. 

If you or someone you love wants to kick their alcohol addiction for good, detox is the first step. Because of the immense effects that alcohol has on your body, it’s not recommended to go “cold turkey,” or drop drinking completely on your own. Safely detoxing from alcohol will help limit your withdrawal symptoms and can give you a better chance of getting and staying sober. Let’s look at how to safely detox from alcohol. 

Find a Reputable Alcohol Detox Center 

The first thing to do in your quest for sobriety is to seek out alcohol detox centers that specialize in this critical first step. Not all rehabilitation centers offer detox programs, so find one that does to help your chances of staying sober.   Safely detoxing from alcohol with some help.

Despite popular belief, alcohol abuse is both a physical and psychological disorder and successful recovery addresses both sides of this issue. Not only should a detox center focus on the physical act of drinking, but it should focus on the individual’s brain chemistry and why they turn to alcohol and how it can be stopped. The first step in tackling alcoholism is stopping the physical action, which happens at a detox center, and this step leads to further, more complex psychological therapy. Detox is a way to: 


    • Disrupt physical dependence on a substance 
    • Cleanse the body of the chemicals associated with alcohol abuse 
  • Start recovery in an optimal state of health 
    • Adjust to the newness of sobriety 
  • Transition from hesitation to confidence about getting sober 


Now that you understand what to look for when searching for an alcohol detox center, let’s discuss what to expect when you are in the detox program. 

What to Expect at an Alcohol Detox Center 

If you are partaking in an inpatient residential detox center, your first step after intake is to get accustomed to the detoxification facility. The goal of detox is to make you as comfortable as possible while you experience any possible withdrawal symptoms and the center will help you stay sober and focus on recovery. 

You will spend some time clearing your body of the harmful toxins associated with heavy drinking. Most alcohol rehab centers in New Jersey include 24/7 care and supervision to make this withdrawal as comfortable as possible. Registered physicians are standing by to make sure you detox safely. You will be monitored for signs of pain, discomfort, or any risks.

During detox, your resident specialists will help you focus on diet, exercise, and hydration to help your body function at optimal performance during detox. Withdrawal symptoms can lead to nutrient deficiencies, so while in your detox program, your care staff will make sure you are getting all of the sleep, water, and nutrition you need. Oftentimes, nutrition and hydration help significantly decrease the intensity of withdrawal symptoms, but most centers also have medication on hand to help a patient who is struggling with their detox.  

 Detox therapy can range in length, but most programs take about ten days. You will then be transported to a rehab center, where you can continue your treatment. Many rehabilitation centers require that their patients undergo detox before entering the facility to ensure they are sober and focused on their recovery. This first step also helps keep the patient safe. 



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