The True Cost of Getting in a Car Accident 

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Crash Consequences: The True Cost of Getting in a Car Accident 

Getting in a car accident is a common concern, and most people will at least be in a minor fender bender at some point in their lives. Unfortunately, the consequences of a car crash can be severe, even without a serious injury occurring. Between hospital bills, damage to the auto, and the emotional toll, the consequences can add up. By being aware of the costs and knowing where to find help following a collision, you are already one step ahead of the game and can minimize the impact.  

Physical Injuries 

The most obvious consequence of car accident is the potential for physical injuries. Whiplash is incredibly common, but those in a car crash could suffer from any kind of physical injury. Perhaps there will be a broken bone or maybe some cuts that require stitches. Even with the most minor injuries, personal injury lawyers from firms like Coye Law firm can help you get the treatment you need without having to pay for it out of pocket. They become an even more important resource in the case of major injuries that require surgery, expensive medications, or extended hospital stays.   

Automotive Damage  

Another significant cost of an accident can be the damage to the auto itself. Whether you just need to a mechanic to get rid of some dents, your vehicle got totaled, or the damage sits between, receiving auto claims can be a daunting process. Professional assistance in the form of Coye Law Firm legal matters can make the process of receiving your money go smoothly. Whether it is ensuring your insurance company pays for the damage as they should or that the other party’s insurance company does so, a legal team will have your back.  

Emotional Damage 

Auto injury claims are not limited to just physical damage; you should not overlook the lasting emotional and psychological costs of an automotive crash. Everyone reacts differently to the experience and depending on the severity of the accident, you may develop anxiety or fear when in a vehicle afterwards. Or simply undergo other emotional injuries such as distress, humiliation, anger, and anguish. These can even manifest in physical ways, such as mood swings, sleep disturbances, loss of energy, loss of appetite, and fluctuations in weight. Therapy can help you work through these issues and personal injury lawyers can help you get coverage for that treatment.  

Inability to Work  

Depending on the severity of the car accident, it may impact your ability to work, either due to physical injuries or lack of transportation to get there due to a damaged car. In the case of jobs without paid sick leave, the lack of work will further increase the financial burden that comes from medical bills and automotive repairs. To make matters worse, you may develop frustration from being unable to work.  

Increase in Insurance Rates 

An unfortunate consequence of a car accident is that your insurance rates will go up, even if you were not to blame for the collision. This only serves to add to the financial burden you experience following a collision. On the bright side, increasing insurance premiums is perhaps the only financial consequence of a collision that legal matters cannot help you minimize.  


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