Avoid These 8 Foods That Cause Teeth Discoloration

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Keeping Them Shining: Avoid These 8 Foods That Cause Teeth Discoloration 

Everyone wants a healthy, shining smile, and sparkling white teeth. There is something visually appealing about it, as a bright smile seems to denote trustworthiness and respectability. But taking care of your smile and keeping it bright isn’t as easy as just brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash twice a day. You can get toothpowder details here, as it has been proven effective in combating staind, but you’ll also want to avoid these foods that are guaranteed to cause unsightly discoloration.

Dark Teas and Coffee  

Many of us can’t seem to function at full capacity without our morning tea or coffee, but unfortunately, these are primary contributors to stained teeth. If you feel like you need the caffeine boost, try lighter teas rather than the dark blends. As for coffee, try to limit yourself to one cup per day.  

Red Wine  

A nice glass of Merlot goes well with an Italian dinner, but if you imbibe too much, it is a sure recipe for stained and darkened teeth. Much like coffee, you should limit your intake if you want to keep those pearly whites.  

Soda and Sports Drinks  

These might not seem like obvious culprits. The reason soda and sports drinks are to be avoided is because of their high sugar content. It weakens teeth, which makes them more susceptible to staining. They also increase inflammation in the body and are full of empty calories.  


Blueberries, blackberries, grapes, pomegranates, and similar fruits are a leading cause of stained teeth. At least they provide vitamins and fiber, which somewhat counteracts the aesthetic damage that they do.  

Soy Sauce  

Soy sauce is a staple in several Asian recipes, like stir-fries. It also features prominently in many meat marinades for the grill or oven. Unfortunately, because of its dark color, it stains teeth if you consume too much of it.  

Dark Balsamic Vinegar  

The dark balsamic variety of vinegar can be used in lots of different salad dressings and other recipes. It’s versatile and tasty, but it belongs here on the list of potential teeth-stainers. Try to limit your use of it in your own cooking and when you eat out at restaurants.  

Tomato Sauce  

Some cultures use a lot of tomato sauce and tomato sauce variations in their cooking, like the Italians, for instance. This produces some hearty, filling meals. But tomato sauce, paste, and puree can all stain your teeth, so try to space these meals out as well.  

Most things are okay in moderation, and tooth-staining foods are no exception. A person can hardly be expected to go through life without eating or drinking any of the foods on this list. However, the more you abstain, the less likely that you will need tooth bleaching and other whitening procedures. Be mindful of how often you eat and drink these foods, and you will require less maintenance to achieve the sparkling smile you crave. There are also plenty of different products on the market to help you counteract some of the staining effects. Talk to your dentist or oral hygienist to learn more.   




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