Dating Advice

Guest Post- All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Why Dating Outside of Your Race at Least Once is Important

Black people and white people may have avoided dating each other for a long time, but as time has passed, this is clear they had created limitations. Aside from skin color, there is essentially no difference between people who have a lot of melanin and people who do not have much of it. There is a lot of fun to be had when the races play together harmoniously.

Different Ways of Life

In some cases, black people and white people live differently from one another. In other cases, the differences are far smaller than the similarities. Often, similar ways of life just look different because of having different perspectives from one another. These perspectives can lead to a lot of fun things to talk about with your date.

Comparing notes on the differences between your races is just one of the fun conversational topics you can engage in. While race is always going to be something of an issue, it is never going to be a domineering part of your dates unless you allow it to be. In time, the people who really care about you and your partner will accept your relationship for what it is.

The Same Activities, Redefined

One thing that dating people from the same race does for you is that you tend to get more and more of a certain type of activities. While this can be fun, after a while it can start to get boring. This is compounded even more when you date the same kinds of people, and do the same kinds of things, for date after date.

When you bring someone who has had an entirely different set of dating experiences into the mix, you create the potential for a different type of experience. As each person brings different expectations into the encounter, you can end up with some different opinions that inform what becomes a whole new experience. After all, you do not go for a walk, to dinner or out dancing just to do these things – you do them to experience what it is like to do them with a new, fun person while you are getting to know them better.

Meeting Great People of All Colors

When it comes right down to it, people are just people. There are nice people, mean people, positive people, people who have a world-weary view on most everything, people who just want a good time and people who are looking for a lifelong love. When you meet a person, you are not just meeting a race. You are meeting an individual human being who has thoughts, feelings, values, personality and all of the other unique aspects of any person.

When you kiss someone, you probably close your eyes. During that moment, you are expressing affection for a person without any concern for their race, their looks, or a bunch of other external things. That is because these things do not really matter.

To learn more about how great black and white dating can be, you need only visit Swirlr and see for yourself.


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