All opinions are mine and mine alone.
Three Ways to Get Through the First Trimester of Pregnancy More Comfortably
The moment that you find out you are pregnant is easily one of, if not the most exciting moments in your life. Knowing that you will soon have a bundle of joy to shower with love is something that so many people dream of. But, while the news is exciting and creates happiness and joy, the actual physical aspect of the first trimester can be a whole other story.
The first trimester can be a time that many women wish they could fast forward thanks to how horrible they feel. If that sounds familiar and you’re looking for ways to lessen the discomfort, then here are three tips and pieces of advice that can make things a little smoother for you.
Go Ahead and Sleep How You Like
During the first trimester, especially before week 13, it’s not likely that a woman shows much or has much of a bump. According to this sleep study, this means the first trimester allows you to sleep in pretty much any position you feel comfortable even if that is on your stomach. Women are often pretty tired during those first few weeks, so getting as much sleep as possible is recommended. So, go ahead and find the position you find most comfortable in and get that extra rest.
The Happy Beds blog goes on to point out that during the second trimester, sleeping on your side will be the only way you’ll be able to sleep, which makes sleep in the first trimester all the more important.
This is also a good time to invest in a new mattress if your current one doesn’t offer adequate support. The last thing you want to do is make your aches and pains more extreme thanks to an old or unsupportive mattress.
Find Techniques and Ways to Cope with Nausea
Morning sickness is one of those things that unfortunately happens to many women, and what they are quick to learn is that morning sickness is actually something that can happen any time of the day or night. Nausea can make it hard to concentrate, work, go about your regular routine, and eat.
A few techniques that can help are to stay active such as by walking to help fight the nausea, drink/eat ginger to settle the tummy, suck or sip on ice throughout the day so you can stay hydrated, focus on small meals rather than big ones, suck on peppermint or lemon candy, opt for protein shakes and yogurt if you can’t eat meat, and try to focus on other things.
Leave the Housework and Chores for Others
Because you will likely be a lot more tired than usual, and probably not feeling the greatest, this is the time that chores can wait or be delegated to other household members. Allow yourself the time to rest up as much as possible.
Finding ways to make the first trimester more comfortable will allow you to zip through those weeks a whole lot faster, and get past those initial hurdles.

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