How I use Diamond Hemp for skincare routine to get rid of dry skin

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

How I use Diamond Hemp for skincare routine to get rid of dry skin.

Hemp is seriously versatile. It is one of the most versatile plants found in nature. Hemp oil is a very powerful moisturizer and contains vitamins and other nutrients your skin uses to maintain strength and a youthful glow.

There are antioxidant vitamins in Hemp that promote skin tissue growth, support skin tone, and the elasticity of the skin. If you do not have a skin routine now would be a great time to start.

Diamond Hemp Hemp cream has skin products that are made with organic hemp and is the perfect compliment to your skin care regimen.

Omega, omega omega is something I am sure you have heard before. With a beneficial ratio of Omega- 3 to Omega- 6 fatty acids compared to other oils, hemp oil is being recognized for its beauty enhancing properties. Omega-3 is known for smoothing and toning the skin. The specific Omega-3 fatty acids in hemp oil is also known to improve the skin cell’s structure and eliminate waste products.

Another essential is amino acids. These are the building blocks of peptides and proteins that have an essential role in skin care. The amino acids maintain the skins hydration and healthy appearance. They help the skin generate collagen and elastin which prevent wrinkles and allow the skin to retain more moisture. This helps aid in dry skin, eczema, or psoriasis and can reduce the appearance of stretch marks (cough cough moms!).

Vitamins! Yes our skin needs vitamins just like our body. Did you know our skin is the biggest organ in our body and that’s why we should take such good care of it? Hemp seed oil has a rich source of vitamins A, E, and C. These help heal dry and cracked skin. Specifically, Vitamin E is an antioxidant that promotes the growth of healthy skin tissue. Vitamin C is the building block of collagen that supports skin elasticity and tone. Keep your skin looking young and firm with Vitamin B.

Hemp lotion can help balance oily skin because it does not clog the pores. Hemp seed oil also has anti-immflamatory properties and the moisture it provides can help ease discomfort. And BEST of all it can help reduce wrinkles and fine lines! Just like Diamond CBD, Diamond Hemp has no synthetics, no THC, and is lab tested by a third party.

Diamond Hemp has three creams for your full body needs. All three are 49.99. Diamond Baby can naturally soothe diaper rash and keep your baby’s bottom feeling that baby soft. You can use this on baby’s face, body, hands and bottom, or even on yourself! This is perfect for this winter time of year when cheeks can be chapped! You can choose 100 or 250 MG container.

Diamond Hemp Moisturizers and Diamond Hemp Cream can both be used on the face, body and for stretch marks. These both can bought in 100 or 250 MG containers as well.

There are also three different hemp moisturizers. All three also retail for 49.99. There is a hemp antioxidant facial serum called Diamond Serenity. You use this daily after you cleanse and tone your face to keep is moisturized. It should feel soft but not oily. If it feels like a mask you used too much. After you use the serum follow up with the lotion or cream. There are two creams Diamond Aloha and Diamond Essentials. Diamond Aloha has a beautiful Hawaiian Rain scent. Diamond Essentials is everything you need in a cream to keep your face moisturized and youthful!


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