Find Out What a DEXA Scan is and Can do

All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Dexa Scan

I am sure you are wondering what a DEXA Scan is. Sounds high tech doesn’t it? The Dexa scan is a clinical gold standard for measuring fat, muscle and bone composition. This test is quick, easy, and inexpensive. It will give you a on the spot assessment of your body composition. DEXA stands for Dual- Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry. That means it uses two different types of waves that are reflected by lean muscle and bone differently. It uses that information to determine your body composition.

The process is very simple. You lie down on the scanner and it scans your body in about five minutes. You will get an on the spot result! Who can this especially benefit? For your body compoisiotn this is great for athletes, fitness enthusiasts and dieters. You can see exactly how much fat and muscle you have and where. You can track your progress as you work through new programs. The bone density is especially helpful for those that are high risk for osteoporosis and bone fractures. By monitoring bone density, physicians and patients can assess risk and proactively treat the problem.

I am sure you are thinking that this must be expensive. Most facilities charge around 80 dollars for the body composition and some offer a discount for return visits. This is extremely affordable.   To have a scan for bone density this averages around 200 dollars. If you are worried about radiation this uses a very weak wave hat only lets off one tenth of that of a chest x-ray. We recommend that you get a scan once a year to track your progress. If you are looking to make quick, aggressive changes then you can go every 3 to 6 months.

When you are ready to book your scan they make it easy. They provide a database of DEXA scan facilities worldwide and  partner up with DEXA facilities to make it easier for users to find them and book an appointment. Find a Dexa Scan near you.


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